❥ kalank | completed ✓

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Hey everyone,

I hope you are doing well!

So as promised I am here with a new story. It's a Varia OS.

Dedicated to my dearest Barbie Princess rosydvn. This is for you princess, a small post birthday gift from my side more like a belated birthday gift. I hope you like it. This is written by me for you, with a lot of love. All I can say that I am happy, lucky and fortunate to have you in my life, always be with me, love you so much!❤

Happy belated birthday to you my Dolly, I know the date has changed in both our time zones but still, you know I won't stop wishing you, haha! Also, I am giving you your gift right now, so wishing you was compulsory. So happy birthday my babydoll! *hugging you tightly while gifting you this OS!*❤

I hope you like it!

Warning: Proof reading not done! So if you find spelling mistakes or any kind of grammatical errors I am really sorry for that!

Note : This story does not contain any dialouges. Both our protagonists and our lead couple in this story would only be having names but no particular character sketch as this is not a proper short story.

Everything here in this particular short story is expressed in the form of expressions, gestures and movements only.

I have tried my level best to give it a music video kind of feeling coupled with a dreamy romantic touch to it!

The key part of the story is song which actually represents it's soul and true essence! The narrative, the central idea as well as the development of the plot of this piece of writing will be revolving around these song only. I request you to listen to the song used in each of the story so that you can understand it better. I have given the song in the media box.

Don't forget to vote and drop in your precious comments as it really means a lot to me and drives me to persue my passion and immense love for writing.

❥Your immense love and as well as your constant support is a major inspiration for me. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart guys for your appreciation.

Love you loads,

Inline comments are love,

Happy reading!

❝Soulmates always end up together! No matter how much love was lost or no matter how much distance there was! They lose each other to find each other again! This is what it is like when someone is meant to be yours and when you are meant to belong...

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❝Soulmates always end up together! No matter how much love was lost or no matter how much distance there was! They lose each other to find each other again! This is what it is like when someone is meant to be yours and when you are meant to belong to someone! If you leave each other you will surely return to each other and live with each other forever and always!❞

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