Chapter 1

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I were new to This all, it was scary. I just moved in to this new town but not a town but a city. My father had got new job opportunities in the big city of Yokohama. I never moved I have lived in the same town for all my life so i find this experience all too scary.

My mother told I that I could go out in Exploré the area but don't go to close to the city.
I didn't have to start school for another 2 weeks. I moved all my boxes in to my new room before I started to move out of the house. As I walk down the street I try to remember my way. I walk out a bit and I can see that the Sun is at its highest.

That's when I felt it my stomach twist, and a growling sound comes out.'shit I'm hungryyyy' I thought. 'Maybe I should go home but there should be a convenient store around here' I think as i walked around I can see some random people walking past but nothing out of the usual.

I couldn't find one so I when to my phone and started to look for one but the only one I could find was just a bit out of where your aloud.' it's fine, right, mother won't cook anything today so this is only way to get something to eat ,right, or do I just want convenient store food' as you where thinking in your head you stomach was back again. "Fuck it" you said in a moody tone.

As I start to walk down the road I start see more people as I saw that my phone when flat. But the store would only be 3mins away but the more I walked there the more people I saw. just in couple of minutes there was a lots of people maybe I when the wrong way. I saw a Down one of though side small streets. I thought I could call my parents but that means that they will get mad at you.'I'll just walk take the back I came and try and get something from home and tell mother that I found a place to relax that why I took so long'

As i was sitting there back to the wall,I heard foot steps from down a bit in the side street thing (a/n:i forgot what's it's called) I didn't really think about it I was hopping that they just walk past and not care that was here. that's when a girl walked past me as she gave me a A small look and continued to walk on. She was a gorgeous girl she was brunette and she was wearing all black with bandages covering her to hard to toe and her eye as well. you wanted to talk to her but you didn't what to disturb her.

That's when a thought popped in my head "Um lady could you help me" I asked but I trying not to be to rude. She stopped and turned around and looked at me with a Little smile or was it something else, she walked forward and she seemed to be taller than me "please don't call me lady again, I am only 16 and guessing that we don't a big difference between are ages, what do you need,do you have business with me"

"Well I don't think I have business with you but do you know how to get (address/or whatever) I'm kind of lost"you ask "well I can get one of-"
*y/n's stomach dying of hunger*
"I think first you need food but I have work todo. And I had other plan by the river (a/n:or in the river) But I don't really want todo all that paper work" she said in a happy tone 'I think she happy because she getting out of work' was thoughts in your mind "so let go get you some lunch"

As she starts to walk in to the crowd but not there quite yet you turn on you feet and keep your eyes on her "w-wait for me" she stop before going out there "let me hold on to you I don't want to get lost here a-again" she looks at you and holds her hand out "do you want us to look like a couple~oh I really don't mind that~"she asked in a joking way "w-WhAt n0 I mean like me holding on to your coat" you go crazy from what she said.

"Than come on before I get found by my boss" I grab on her coat as she walks though the crowd. As we walked to find somewhere to eat i saw a cafe it look like they had cheese cake WITH WHITE CHOCOLATE "IN THERE CAN WE GO" you pointed at the cafe. You where walking behind her and holding on to her coat,she look in side the cafe as well she saw the cheese cake."sure" she said as we walked in as order my cheesecake and she just grabbed some tea as we we sat down we were waiting than she spoke up "so what's you name I never got it" she asked looking right at me

"oh my name Y/n L/n and what's yours" I asked

"I'm thé thé one people call osamu dazai" she said

(A/n:side note dazai is 16 and
Y/n is 15)

"Sooo what's your job because you seem to have one with the way you look like a really professional job but your only 16 so what's your job?"you ask with Curiosity "oh my job I probably shouldn't tell you or you would just be pulled in to it and I don't think you would want that"she said I looked at her puzzled "what I don't care,you said you had paper work so I don't think it's anything dangerous" you respond.

"Here is you cheesecake with white chocolate" the waitress said putting down my cake

"And here is your tea ma'am"than the waitress walked away

You looked down at the cheesecake it was sparkling in such a ways that's it was nearly Blinding 'omg I might have a seizure' as I sit there I see dazai picking up a spoon and she takes a scoop out of my cheesecake I stand up with my hands on the table "NOOOOO DAASZZZAAI YOU TOOK IT I WAS MEANT TO BE THE FIRST ONE" i Yell at her,as I fall back in to my seat "my life is gone" I say as you have gone pale, my down "hey look back up for a sec" as I look back up to look at her she puts the spoon in my mouth in one Swift Motion. My day has been completed as I took the spoon off her and start shovelling the cheesecake in to my mouth 'this is pure pleasure'

"Is that good,Y/n" I look up at her with my mouth full of cheesecake and nod my head there was a shine in my eye it felt like.

Umm hi I did this bc I love fem dazai and I can't find anything of her, so this came to life
Sorry that dazai seem very out of character but kind of hard but we can do it :)

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