Chapter Two

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   A few hours before it all happened, I was sitting on one of the red chairs in a fast speed train. I was watching, from the huge window beside me, the fake natural sights ouside. Well, I say fake because I don't think that there is grass or birds or even houses underwater. It's actually a tunnel with a moving screen on its sides showing these natural elements which are supposed to be above water on solid ground. Of course, the water is being heated by the enormous machines to prevent it from freezing in the cold weather.

I was going back from my college in New York to California where I'd meet my family and have lunch together.

I had earphones stuck inside my ears as the loud pop music invaded my brain. I had the implant since I was thirteen, so young right? It's because they thought I was so intelligent than the rest of my classmates and they didn't want them to feel inferior around me . But I haven't really thought about it because I felt like it was not working on me, or it was, but I didn't realize it.

I was dragged out of my musical life when the word 'Attention'  was repeated three times, which made me remove my earphones and listen to what this voice had to say.  The voice continued "Attention please, the winter season is almost over, so please be careful and stay indoors when summer comes, we don't know exactly what will happen but this year is different and hotter than previous years..."

I heard groans and huffs as the woman continued on, but really, they've said this about a million times in the last two weeks and everyone's getting bored now. Hearing and reading it every single day, people started to be less cautious reopening stores and restaurants after closing, so they went on with their lives, just like I did.

But oh! I wish I had stayed indoors just the day I decided to go back to college.

A/N: Woah! I'm really getting excited to write the next chapter because I do want to know what really happened!!

Q: any predictions?

P.S: sorry I thought I could involve Harry in this chapter but I couldn't, but I promise the next one will include him! And it could be longer than this chapter!! Stay tuned!!❤

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