Chapter 1

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Sacred Heart High School

"Mommy, please take me home. I wanna be homeschooled. I wanna go with you and daddy" Regina whine.

"Sweetie, you are now a big girl. Omma and appa only wants the best for you. Make friends and always smile. Ok?"

"Ok. What about Oppa? Isn't he going to welcome me?"

"He called and said he is busy and can't come but he'll visit you" Mr Jeon said.

" And don't listen to what people say about you because you are different from them. Being different is what makes you special" Mrs Jeon smile.

"Thanks Mom. I'll be good and not make trouble" Regina smiled. "Bye Mom. I love you". Regina waves at her parents as she walked in love inside the school.

As she stepped inside the school,all eyes were on her.

"Is she a new student?"

"Wow! She looks pretty. I wanna be her friend".

"But why is her color different from ours? Is she an African?"

"Why is an black fair girl doing in our school?"

"Tsk tsk tsk! That's why I hate going to school" Regina mumbled.

"Hi! I'm NingNing. What's yours? Wow you look pretty".

"Thanks. You also look pretty
I'm Regina Daniels Jeon".

"Daniels? Why does that ring a bell?"

"Do you know where the principal's office is?".

"Let's go. Luckily, I'm also going there".

NingNing holds Regina's wrist and drag to the principal's office.

Principal's Office

"Hello, principal Hwang" the two girls bow.

"I'm Jeon Regina Daniels, the new student".

"Welcome to Sacred Heart High School. And your room is number 108".

"Thanks Mr Hwang".

"Young lady. Why are you here? And why did you fight with your roommates?"

"They started it. Can I change room? I promise not to fight with my new roommates. Please?"

"Fine"principal Hwang sigh

"Wanna be Rena's roommate. Can I?" NingNing makes puppy eyes


"Thanks uncle" NingNing hugs principal Hwang. "I love you more than YangYang"

"Make sure he doesn't hear that".

"I will. Bye uncle"

NingNing and Regina leaves the office.

"Who's YangYang?"

"My naughty twin brother".

"You are a twin?. Wow! That's awesome. What is he like?"

"Awesome?" NingNing sneered. " More like hellsome".

"Is that even a word?"

"Very soon,it will be".

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