Before I knew it we where standing in a small alley way as snow fell down from the sky. Our arms linked as Draco and I walked together, I was nervous. I was going to meet another family member, I didn't know if they hated me or loved me all I knew was that I couldn't handle another perdí rejecting me.

"Draco" a female voice said

Draco and I both turned around to see a nicely aged woman with black hair and blonde at the bottom of her hair that was tied up. She wore nice elegant winter close with heels, you could hear the clicks as she walked on the bricks. Besides her was Bellatrix, Draco walked towards Narcissa and hugged her but I was stuck on my tracks.

"Hi mum, Syden?" Draco turned to me

Narcissa then looked at me, she somewhat gasped but didn't say a word. Bellatrix came besides her and whispered something that made Narcissa nod, Bellatrix gave me the same look she gave me the day I stood in front of Sirius. Narcissa began to walk forward, I swallowed thickly as I felt my palms getting sweaty. I felt my heart pumping harder and faster as she took another step towards me.

"Hello look so much like your mother" Narcissa said as a tear formed in her eyes

She knew my mother, was that why Bellatrix hesitated to strike at my father because I stood in front and reminded her of herself or my mother?

"See cissy she's just like us...determined" Bellatrix whispered next to Narcissa

"I-I'm Syden Black, it's nice to see you again Bellatrix. Hello Narcissa" I said as I kept my voice from cracking

"Mmhm You are a Black, much like us deary" Bellatrix said walking towards me

"Come on we need to get our gowns for the Yule Ball" Draco said linking our arms

We began to walk towards the alley, stores left and right. Something felt off, like it was too easy. That's when I was pulled out of my thoughts when I saw something coming towards Draco, i pulled out my wand and blocked the hit as I stepped in front of Draco. The spell rebounded back on to the floor. Narcissa grabs Draco's arm as Bellatrix and Draco take there wands out. I stood in front of narcissa and Draco shielding them.

"COME ON OUT!" I yelled angry

Men in mask began to come out, they had skeletons as a mask. They began shooting spells at us Ali with curses. Bellatrix cackled as she shoot spells back, I turned to see a spell heading straight for Narcissa from her back. I jumped forward and rebounded the spell back to the man that shot it.

"STAY. AWAY. FROM. MY. FAMILY!" I yelled shooting spells and jinx one after another

"Drop it"

I heard as I turned around to see Draco being held with a wand to his neck, it was like my heart stopped. I felt angry build up in me, I needed to do what Mason taught me if not all those 5 months of being gone was for nothing.

"You wanna know what the best part of being a Animagus born from two other's that over time you start to learn how to use everything, your strength and more but still you need that-fire. I didn't know how to before but when I met Mason he taught me could say- cheat my way through that, I could turn but I don't have to fully. Yet I still get the...advantage" I said as I glowed my eyes yellow brightly

I lifted my wand up to the air and took out the lights from the valley, I closed my eyes.

"Fumos" I said under my breath

Smoke started to appear making everything blurry for everyone, they began to hear screaming as I sank my fangs into there flesh ripping them long from limb. Mason taught me how to have my claws, my eyes, my strength, my hearing, my sight, my fangs without turning into a dog like my father. It hurt like hell but I had to learn, there where risk to turning like this. It was like a loophole but the risk was that I might never be able to turn back, but I'd take that risk and more to protect my family. Everyone began to grow in fear as they heard screaming, the smoke was still all around. They couldn't see a thing but I could see everything, my claws digging into the mans neck and body, how my fangs would rip there body parts like nothing. The blood that was all over my body yet wasn't mine, how my eyes glowed and it was the last thing the men would see once I'd do what I needed too. I'd hurt them badly but not to the point where I'd kill. The smoke then disappeared, Draco was free, Bellatrix and Narcissa looked at me as I had blood all over my body that did not belong to me. Draco was in shock along with narcissa but Bellatrix was impressed with a smile pinned on her face an evil one.

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