Chaos and Spaghetti

Start from the beginning

For the next month, you spent almost every day with the Warners. They quickly became your best friends, and Yakko quickly became a huge crush. He was playful and silly but also really sweet and protective when it came to his siblings, you just liked him a lot, and loved spending time with him. Wakko and Dot were like little siblings to you too at this point, and you enjoyed wreaking a little havoc with the three from time to time.

Today you were bothering Mr. Plotz. You heard him complaining that the window cleaners weren't doing a good enough job, and that he wanted the windows so clean you "couldn't even see they were there," so you all decided to do him the service of removing all the windows on the building.

You were removing the last of the windows when you heard him scream.

"That's our cue guys!" Yakko said as he grabbed Wakko and Dot's hand and took off, with you close behind.

You ran up around the building, avoiding Ralph, who Mr.Plotz sent after you when he realized all his windows were gone. You pointed towards a movie set, with a light-up sign on the door that read "Filming in Action" and you all ran in there. They were filming a Romeo and Juliet knock off, and Yakko jumped on the guys head, snatching the rose in his hand and running off out the door, you, Wakko and Dot were right behind him, and you could hear the director yelling at you.

You all ran around the corner and came to a halt. Yakko turned to you and offered the rose he snatched. "For you m'lady."

You did a little bow and took the flower out of his hand. "Why thank you my good sir." You both laughed a bit and Dot made a gagging sound.

Wakko tapped your arm and when you turned around he ate the flower out of your hand, you looked over at Yakko and he shrugged. You heard Ralph coming around the corner, and you all took off in the other direction. You ran all around the lot until you eventually made your way back to the water tower, running up the side and in through the door. You looked down at Ralph as he tried to get up to you guys, and ended up with an anvil on his head.

Yakko then closes the door and turned to you all. "That was a chaotic day well spent, what do you guys think?"

"I think we should have coated his chair in marshmellows." Dot said.

"We can do that tomorrow." you told her, and she smiled mischievously.

You all flop onto the couch, Dot with her face in the pillow and Wakko with his feet sticking up as he sat upsidedown. You and Yakko just sat there, slumpt next to each other.

"What do you wanna do now?" Yakko asked you, and you thought for a second before Wakko chimed in.

"Can we play Candyland?" he asked, and Dot's head popped up, and they both started jumping on the couch shouting "Candyland" over and over again.

Yakko slid down off the couch and walked over to the closet. "Okay, Candyland it is, but I get to be the yellow one."

"I wanna be blue." Wakko said, looking at Yakko over the back of the couch.

"I'm red, I'm red!" Dot shouted, bouncing up and down on the couch.

"Guess I'll be green then." you said as Yakko set the game down on the table.

You all sat around the table in a circle, Yakko to your left and Dot to your right. You grabbed your pieces and Dot grabbed the dice.

"I go first cause I'm the cutest." she said as she rolled.

"We'll do youngest to oldest." Yakko said before passing the dice to Wakko as Dot moved her piece along the board.

You guys played a few games, Yakko winning most of them. At some point Dot got upset and accused him of cheating, which is pretty hard to do in a game like Candyland but oh well. He just let her roll an extra time to make her happy, but he still won.

"I guess I'm just lucky." he said with a shrug and a cheeky smile.

Wakko licked the pictures of food on the board. "All this candy is making me hungry."

"You're always hungry, Wakko." Dot said as she fell backwards on the floor.

"I can make spaghetti if you guys want." you suggested, and Yakko started to pack up the boardgame and the pieces.

Wakko looked up at you with a big grin. "Yayyy, I love pasghetti, can I have extra meatballs please?"

"Of course." You patted his little head then stood up, walking over to the kitchen.

Yakko put the game away then walked over to the kitchen as you pulled out the spaghetti and sauce. "Want some help?"

"Sure, you can make the meat sauce if you want." You said and handed him the sauce.

"Just a warning, I make my sauce extra saucy." He wiggled his eyebrows at you.

You rolled your eyes and shoved him with your elbow. "Just start cooking, Yakko."

You both just did your thing in the kitchen until the spaghetti and sauce was ready to mix. You tried lifting the pan but it was a bit heavy, and Yakko noticed you were struggling. He put his hand over yours and helped you lift it, standing close to you in order to get a good grip.

Your face heated up. "I can lift it on my own, thank you."

"Yeah yeah, I know, just let me enjoy myself." he said with a chuckle, his cheeks lightly blushing.

You mixed the spaghetti and added the meatballs then put it into four bowls, of course giving Wakko the largest. You've learned the right proportions to give everyone, since cooking dinner with Yakko wasn't an unusual thing.

Yakko took Dot and Wakko's bowls to the table, with Wakko already waiting there, and walked back over to you as you were filling the other two.

"How about we share a bowl, lady and the tramp style, huh?" he said with a smirk, and you blushed a bit as you handed him his bowl.

"Too bad I already filled the bowls." you said jokingly, picking up your own bowl and heading to the table, Yakko right behind you.

You talked to Yakko all throughout dinner, like usual, Dot gave Wakko that look, you know the look, like usual. And then Wakko and Dot went to pick a movie while Yakko helped you clean up after dinner. Again, like usual.

It was a comforting routine that you had with the Warners, and for the first time, it felt like you had a family. You were washing the dishes as Yakko put the food in the fridge, and when he looked over at you with that smile of his, you felt pure bliss. You could really get used to this.

I have no idea how to organize these chapters I just write until I'm tired, I hope you like it :)
if you have any suggestions let me know

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