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A/N: please read
Hello everyone! Before we get into this next chapter I just wanted to say a few things and also apologize for not updating.
Please be mindful when you comment. Even when people don't mean harm sometimes I feel like people can be a bit too insensitive without realizing it. The next thing is that Y/N isn't going to be a replica of you, Y/N is honestly kinda based off of parts of me. In real life I can be kinda like a bruh girl as people like to say haha but I also love girly things and I like things like dresses and makeup and stuff like that so if I include that in my story and you don't like it, it's totally okay! But please just don't complain about it because after all, I really can't replicate so many people in one character. I'm sorry that she hasn't really been the 'messy bun sweatpants' kind of girl haha but if that's what you prefer then you can totally imagine it that way🥰! Reasons why I haven't really updated because I felt kinda unmotivated when people would complain about certain little details like what Y/N might wear and stuff like that. It honestly sounds stupid, I know but I know I don't need to let certain comments get to me. Thank you everyone who has stuck around this far and has been asking for updates. I love you all a lot and a lot of comments do bring me happiness and make me smile! And also a lot of laughter. My favorite memory is reading where you all wanted to marry Y/N instead 😂. Thank you for supporting me and this hobby! All I want to do is make people happy and that brings me happiness! You guys are awesome💕✨

Now let's get to it, shall we?

(This continues right after the last chapter.)

"What is this?!" Oh...that thundering voice that Oikawa dreaded hearing, and this time he felt a bit fearful. "What are you doing to Y/N?!" Iwaizumi stormed into the room.

You immediately pulled away from Oikawa, startled, hearing Iwaizumi's booming voice. You almost lost your balance, but 'luckily' Oikawa was quick enough to grab your hand to keep you up. Of course though, Oikawa did not let go.

"Iwa-Chan?! Why did you have to ruin our moment? Y/N was just about to confess her feelings to me..." the setter huffed.

"I was not..."

"Oikawa Tooru!" Iwaizumi stomped over to the bed he was resting in, but all the sudden he just let out a heavy sigh. "How do you even have the energy to be a player when you are injured?" He rolled his eyes at his friend and then glanced over at you. "Especially with our manager huh?"

This was possibly one of the most embarrassing situations you could have been in. "Iwaizumi-its's fine really." A thousand different words were popping in your head but none would form together on how you could explain this without outright saying, 'ah yes, I have indeed fallen for the Oikawa Tooru.' And that is definitely a statement you did NOT want coming out of your mouth.

In the moment, Oikawa was just too shocked to make another one of his snarky remarks. When he heard the words. "It's fine, really." Come out of your mouth, that was one of the last things he would have expected.

The spiky head male kept looking at you....and then Oikawa...and then back to you...and then back to Oikawa...and then suddenly a smirk. "Well I guess the cuddliness is fine since Y/N seems to be perfectly okay with it. But be carful Y/N, just make sure he's not being a little player." Iwaizumi provoked. He then walked over to the door to leave the room. "It's about time Oikawa has found a decent girl. After the VERY MANY who have tried." And with that last sentence, he shut the door and left.

You and Oikawa were both ready to shout at him. Who knew that Iwaizumi was capable of that kind of teasing. Wonder where he gets it from...

"I'm not a player..." Oikawa mumbles under his breath. He then just sighed and pulled the white comforter up on his body. Hearing that statement you would think Oikawa would be moping but instead he had almost a serious look on his face. Which was scary.

"What's that look for?" You questioned, sitting on the side of his bed. "I know you aren't actually a player, but the rumors at school do say other wise." You honestly felt kinda bad...the way people perceived Oikawa was not what he is truly like at all.

You were taken aback when the brunette suddenly grabbed your hand. "We should go on another date. But actual date! No bets or anything like that." His face stayed the same, the seriousness in his eyes was unreal.

You blinked a few times, staring back into his brown eyes. "Oikawa, there's no need to be so serious." You chuckled a bit, it's not like he's asking you to marry him. "But yeah, let's definitely go on another." A smile found its way upon your face, and once Oikawa saw that smile, he smiled too. "I-I have some things to do so I have to go for a bit. But if you need anything, make sure to text me." You slightly squeezed his hand before letting go and making your way out of his room.

Next thing you knew, you ran to your room, and flopped onto your bed, and started screaming in your pillow. Though your moment was quickly interrupted with a phone call.


Quickly clicking the green answer button, you cleared your throat. "Hello?"

"Y/N? Everything okay? You've gone for a bit so I thought I would just check up on you."

"OIKAWA JUST ASKED ME ON A DATE BUT-" you tried to collect your cool, but just felt like a love struck high chill girl. Oh wait... "Ahem... Oikawa asked me on a date. But he had the most serious look on his face, it was almost scary." You explained the situation and kept going on and on about certain details that didn't even matter, which made your friend on the other end of the phone giggle.

"What's funny Kiyoko?" You asked.

"Nothing, I just find it cute how much you like him." Was the response that you got, and the response you were definitely not expecting from her.

"What am I doing with my life?"

Oikawa x reader The girl from the Park ✔️Where stories live. Discover now