
Start from the beginning

Wilbur yelped, jumping up, his body curling up to fetal position mid-air, the blonde boy jumping at the sound of the brown haired man screaming. Tommy and Techno looked at the ghost.

"What? What happened?"

"Something grabbed my foot."

He leaned against the wall, staring at the floor. Techno and Tommy shifted uncomfortably, looking down as well. A minute went by, the three incredibly quiet, when Wilbur yelped again.

Tommy and Techno looked up at him, watching as he was struggling against a hand that was clamped down on his wrist, phasing through the wall. Wilbur pulled and pulled, trying to get away from it.

Eventually, it let go, leaving Wilbur to float over to the other wall. He didn't lean against the wall, but the hands still came out, grabbing his body, dragging him into the wall. He could hear Tommy's muffled screams from the other side of the wall.

The cold hands that gripped onto him began to travel along his body, Wilbur struggling. He felt hot breath met his transparent neck, hearing a familiar rough voice.


"Let go of me, Schlatt."

"Awww, come on~"

"No. I don't want you touching me."

"Oh, come on Wilbur~"

"Schlatt, let go."

Silence. The hot breath moved away from him, leaving Wilbur to shiver. The hands had halted, and seemed to have moved away from his body. He was about to phase back through the wall, when Schlatt's hands pulled him back.

"No. I don't think I will, Wilbur."

The Brit's breath halted, feeling the cold lips on neck. He attempted to struggle away from him, trying to push Schlatt away.

"Why are you struggling, Wilbur?"


Wilbur sobbed out, successfully pushing him away. The hybrid stared at him, a frown forming on his face.

"You're... You need help, Schlatt! I.. I just don't want this, anymore! You hurt Alex so bad, and you maybe hurt Tubbo. I loved you, and I still kinda do, but it's so difficult. You do things like this, and expect me to still love you? Is that what you think?"

Schlatt bit his lip, staring down. He took a shaky breath nodding.

"Yeah. Yeah, I got it."

His tone made Wilbur's stomach drop. It wasn't one of regret, sadness, and guilt. No, his tone was in clear mocking of everything Wilbur had just said. He couldn't care less. The curly haired man sneered.

"You.. couldn't care less about what I have to say. You literally couldn't care."

"I mean, you aren't wrong, Wilbur, but, you also are wrong. Part of me doesn't care. The part you love soo much, the cutesy guy with the blue sweater and the nice eyes, really cares. Me, personally? I could give two shits. Tubbo doesn't deserve the power he has, in fact, he's not fit enough to govern. Alex? He got what he deserved. He left me in my time of need, so I got back at him. I'm sooo sorry, Wilbur. Do you want a hug? Maybe a kiss? Something, anything to make you feel better about loving someone like me? Is that what you want? Reassurance? Do you want me to say that 'I understand' and that 'you're right, I'm a piece of shit'? Is that what you want to hear?"

Schlatt sneered at him, Wilbur blinking. God, this hurt. This hurt so bad. Why did this hurt so bad? Again, the cold hands found their way to his body, landing on his waist, Schlatt pulling Wilbur close.

"Wilbur, I'm not going to let go this time. You know that."

"Schlatt, don't do this. Please."

Wilbur's voice cracked on the 'please', making him sound so much more pathetic than he wanted to.

"Be quiet, Soot."

Schlatt spit his name out, like he was talking to Fundy. Wilbur shivered, struggling against his body. He pushed against his chest, his breath becoming labored.

"Schlatt, I'm begging you, please let go of me."


"Schlatt, please."



"Wilbur, no. I'm going to hold onto you. I don't want you to go away."

Cold lips pressed against Wilbur's neck again, leaving him to struggle. Schlatt pressed him against the dark wall, pressing their bodies together.

Wilbur's eyes widened, easily phasing through the wall. He gasped out, staying away from walls and the floor. Tommy and Techno were nowhere to be seen, the British ghost leaving the small home.

He needed to hide somewhere.

𝚅𝚎𝚛𝚋𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚖 (𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚋𝚞𝚛) (𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚂𝙼𝙿)Where stories live. Discover now