Hunter barely looked at the packet of sweets in Martha's hands as she offered them to the girl, instead taking one of the little gummy bears as she popped it into her mouth. As soon as it hit her tongue, she squinted slightly at the taste before turning to look at the packet.

"Hey, the hell Martha, you've got candy?" Toni asked as she noticed Hunter and Martha had ate the gummy bears, not noticing the confused look on Hunter's face.

"Hey! Where'd you get those?"

"Side pocket of Jeanette's bag. Am I in trouble? I thought everything must go."

There was a moment of silence before Hunter finally spoke, her eyes wide as she came to a realisation. She looked between them all with a amused grin on her face as she realised exactly what her and Martha had just digested.

"Guys, I don't think we've just ate candy."

"Yeah no, Martha, Hunter, these..." Leah laughed before continuing, "these aren't candy: they're edibles."

"Well I know they're edible, we just ate them," Martha said as Hunter burst into laughter, Toni trying to hold it back as she realised exactly what Hunter and Martha had accidentally just taken. Toni was glad that Hunter didn't seem to care that she was about to head on a trip journey, which eased her nerves a little.

"No, no, like THC. POT! Martha, they're marijuana bears," Leah explained to the girl as she passed the packet to Fatin who was howling with laughter too, everyone not sure what to make of the situation other than the fact it was fucking hilarious.

"Oh man, these are potent! I had a foot once and I couldn't feel my feet for like 24 hours. I didn't know I had them."

"So... what would happen if someone accidentally ate three?" Martha asked, panic across her face as everyone erupted into more laughter at the look of sheer confusion on her face, Hunter howling as she leaned against Toni for support from the laughs that were racking her body.

Rachel's jaw dropped in shock but also amusement at Martha's announcement, Toni and Hunter now both rolling on the sand as they tried to stop laughing but just couldn't.

"Oh Martha, you're gonna be tripping motherfucking balls dude. Hunter, don't think you're off the hook either, you're in for a journey too."

"And they won't be alone," Rachel announced, holding out her hand for the bag and accepting it from a gawking Fatin. "First-timer. Fuck it."

"I'm in too," Toni said, accepting the bag from Rachel as she looked between Hunter and Martha and knew that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity most likely. "Solidarity, baby."

Leah was next to snatch the bag, deciding that if everyone else was gonna do it then she might as well too. Besides, it wasn't like anything horrific would happen since they were kinda stuck on an island. Fatin, Nora and Dot followed the others, all popping one bear into their mouth as they all looked across the circle at each other in anticipation.

"Alright, I'm gonna go take a piss before it happens involuntarily," Dot announced as she rose to her feet, smiling at them all. She grabbed the bottle of vodka and looked at Hunter for a moment, the other Texan understanding that she was going to go and make sure that Shelby was okay while she was going. Hunter nodded subtly, smiling as Dot walked by.


"I am so fucking blissed out," Fatin said as she sat cross-legged in the sand, all the others lying on the ground around her as the effects of the gummies started to kick in. Martha was certainly hitting it the most, having already been calling out for Marcus the dummy. "Not even from the dummies, just the thought that in 48 hours I can have an orgasm."

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