Chapter 11

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Alec notes the change in Tsuna's body language whenever he's nearby, like Lambo's. The slight hitch in the pitch of his voice, his shoulders stiffening and muscles tensing until he leaves the room. Or the conversations with Reborn when they think he's asleep.

He hates how awkward the house has become. Even more with how the curiosity he brought out and cultured within the brunet is now directed at him, in those big amber eyes.

Which is why he's curled up in bed in his apartment, staring at the ceiling with his head peeking out from the covers.

"I feel stupid."

He's an adult, even if he's one stuck in a teen's body.

"They all probably know. Even Lambo. The five-year-old." Alec says out loud.

Wind threads his hair, silent.

"He should be hanging around with Fire's mother as fellow Lightnings. How'd he know to get Reborn? He's terrified of Sunshine."

The Sun learnt.


The Sun learnt when you helped him get along with the Cloud.

"Of course he did." Alec mumbles, exhaling softly. "And it makes me feel worse."


"Might as well get a haircut." He pushes himself up, narrowing his eyes sceptically as a sudden thought enters his head.

"They're planning something, aren't they?" He groans, cradling his head. "They're all cheeky shits. I blame you in advance for my embarrassment."

You don't have to.

Alec breathes softly, peeling away his hands. "But I want to."

It's both strange. I both want and not want you to go. I am conflicted as you.

"I can't help being sad. It's like being with them all over again. You aren't the only softie here," he cracks a smile, blue eyes swimming with unshed tears.

I hate this confliction.

"Me too," the blond swallows thickly. "It's one of the things with being sentient."

But you would miss me.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm gonna cry," Alec hisses, blinking the tears clinging to his eyelashes.

Wind blankets him and laughs in his ear.

He really is going to cry, dammit.


"YOU'RE DOING EXTREMELY WELL!" Ryohei yells, eyes bright as he jogs alongside the gasping blonde. "ONE MORE LAP!"

Bound to cheer him up his ass. He should've known it had Reborn written all over it. Sunshine's always been a conniving prankster.

Staggering, Alec jerks his hand up in the air as a half-hearted response, dragging his legs around the next turn.

At least Reborn's idea wasn't being chased by Kyoya. He did... humiliate him in a way, after all.

It would be fine by the time they return as long as he continues avoiding the skylark. Haru's dad already cleared the question 7 situation and everyone who got all except it right passed.

Why the fuck is the wall in his face?

"He's exhausted."

Of seeing the same wall like fifteen times in a row, yeah.

"What?--" Alec mumbles, looking over a shoulder when something small strikes the back of his neck.

Now, this shit has Reborn written all over it.


"Whassup?" Reborn stares incredulously at Alec when he blinks awake in Tsuna's room.

"What? Never heard it be--is that lemon drizzle cake?" the blond gasps, bolting upright.

"Oh," he winces, cradling is forehead with a hand. "'s nothing, just low on iron lately."

"You're still low on iron?" Reborn hisses, dangerously taking a step close.

"Want some lemon drizzle cake?" Alec laughs dryly, glancing to find Tsuna smiling by the door.

"I think I prefer you drunk," Reborn mumbles, snatching the blond's attention.

"Does that mean you like me more cuddly and snuggly?" He raises his eyebrow, lips pulling into a grin.

"Stop changing the subject," the hitman narrows his eyes slightly.

"How many attempts?" Alec asks with a smug grin.

"How many attempts of what?" Reborn deflects.

"You know what I'm talking about."

"No, I don't." He insists.

"Love you!!"

"..." He shifts his sight away, lip curling into a small smile.

"Thanks," Alec beams, enveloping him into a hug. "Thanks for not sending Kyo after me instead."

Reborn holds back the sly smile, eyes glinting.

Meanwhile the blonde grins. He'll get his turn later.

"Did you do your thirty minutes today?" Alec lifts his head to ask Tsuna who freezes.


"No slacking off, No-Good Tsuna," Reborn launches himself towards Tsuna, kicking both of them in the foreheads.

"Thanks," Alec rubs the sore spot vigorously as Tsuna does the same. "The kick is very you."

"I am to please."

"Please, not this bullshit again."

"You love me anyway."

"No lemon drizzle cake for you." Alec lifts his chin slightly, pointedly narrowing his eyes at the hitman.

Reborn meets Alec's gaze, lips slowly arching into a smirk that makes the blond pause.

"Oh, fuck no. You invited Kyo to the next trip, didn't you?"

"What?!" Tsuna shrieks, whipping his gaze to Reborn in alarm. "Hibari-san?!"

"No screeching, No-Good Tsuna. You still have thirty minutes of walking to do."



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