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"So let me get this straight-" Iwaizumi started, a sly grin on his face. "Your attempt at flirting with a girl on the bus failed, so instead you helped her save another girl from an harassing boyfriend and got punched by him?"

Oikawa sighed, slightly massaging his temples. His head still hurt from that punch. "That pretty much sums it up."

Iwaizumi, Makki and Mattsun snickered at their captain's rotten luck as they took out their lunches and books. Oikawa was desperately trying to revise for his math quiz, but the constant throbbing in his head didn't help.

"Well somebody sure was unlucky, huh?" Makki mused as the two other boys kept laughing.

"Haha. How funny." Oikawa rolled his eyes and pouted.

As soon as the doors had closed, Akemi had thrown a punch right in Oikawa's face. Koto, the bus driver had waited until the next stop, to make sure there was enough distance between the troublesome boy and the two girls, before stepping down and personally kicking Akemi off the bus.

Luckily, Oikawa's pretty face wasn't hurt too bad: he'd narrowly missed the black eye and only had a purplish bruise on his right cheek.

This had immediately alarmed his fangirls, but being the charismatic high school he was, Oikawa had managed to calm them down and get some kisses for the pain too.

"You can bet Coach will be extremely happy about it." Iwaizumi kept teasing as the captain grew impatient.

"Hey! You weren't there! That piece of crap was a real jerk, I had to do something."

"Oikawa, usually that involves hitting the harasser, not getting hit by him." Mattsun replied, causing the three boys' hysteria.

The setter gave up, giving in to the headache's pain and laying his head on his books.


As expected the Coach hadn't been happy after hearing Oikawa had gotten punched. Not only that, but he'd also forbidden the boy from staying extra time practicing, which had obviously infuriated the latter.

Luckily, Makki had slipped him the gym's key, making him swear he'd do his math homework for him and wouldn't utter a word of this to anyone.

Oikawa had excitedly nodded before hiding behind a bush and waiting for everyone to go home. Once they'd finally left, he'd opened the gym again and practiced some more.

It was a tad earlier than usual when Oikawa reached the bus stop. After awhile, his head had started throbbing, and he'd decided he'd get some more practice in the next morning.

For once, the brunette had actually managed to show up on time, fact that had shocked Koto the bus driver to his core.

"Two years but you're finally early Oikawa-san." The bus driver said as he handed him back the bus pass.

"Oh, you know Koto-san, it's only for today. I'll be back to being my usual self in a couple of days." The captain flashed him a wide grin as the bus driver chuckled and closed the bus doors.

Upon inspection, and to Oikawa's big surprise, the bus wasn't empty; his favorite bus buddy was there too.

Sitting in the same seat as the previous day, she was still flipping through that damned book of hers.

Oikawa strode happily towards her, and didn't even wait before sitting next to her.

The girl seemingly didn't notice, eyes stuck on her book, but the captain was sure she'd sensed his presence.

"So how's Sachiko-chan?" He finally worked up the courage to ask since the girl kept ignoring him.

"Alright, I think. I walked her home last night." The green-eyed beauty replied without looking up.

"Oh." Was all Oikawa could manage as silence fell upon them.

He usually would have been able to strike a conversation out of nowhere, a bunch of idea coming to mind: did you get her number? Did she seem better? What is she going to do about that jerk? But his bus buddy's cold demeanour intimidated him a bit.

"What you did last night was very nice of you." The girl finally blurted out, making Oikawa pause.

He'd acted without thinking back then, but he could now use it to his advantage.

"Oh, I knew you would say that! You're impressed, right?" He said in the sheepish voice which usually made girls fall to his feet.

"If you did it just to impress me, then you're just as much of a jerk as that dude." She quipped, flipping a page of her book.

Oikawa's mouth was wide open. This one was just like Iwa-chan, huh? Always so insulting!

"Hey, I did a good thing! How can you turn a compliment into an insult in the matter of seconds?" He pouted some more, but the girl just ignored him. "Fine, you know what, let's start over. I'm Oikawa Tooru. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Oikawa flashed his signature smile only to be met by silence.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself? That's usually the common courtesy..." He attempted, but the girl simply wouldn't look up from her book.

"I didn't ask who you were, and I sure as hell don't want you with my name in your mouth."

Oikawa was taken aback, once again. He'd never met such resistance with a girl. Sure, some girls were cautious around him, but he always managed to melt their walls one way or another. Well, every time except this once.

He furrowed his eyebrows, carefully planning his next move.

"I've never seen you take the bus before, are you new around town?" He attempted again. More silence. Silence was seriously starting to irritate him. "You know, you don't have to tell me your name but you could at least answer a friendly question."

The girl sighed, closing her book and finally facing him. The moon shone in her mesmerising green eyes, and Oikawa could feel himself briefly get lost in them.

"If you must know... I broke my bike." She finally let out, her voice coated with annoyance.

Ah, finally. The boy thought as he quickly thought of a way to keep the conversation going.

"Your bike? Well, that shouldn't take too long to repair, right?" He shrugged as the girl sighed.

"Actually,they had to order a piece to repair the engine."

"The... the what now?" Oikawa furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. What kind of bike needed an- oh.

"I ride a motorcycle." The girl narrowed her eyes, raising an eyebrow as both she and the boy realised his stupidity.

"Well, that's quite fascinating, isn't it?" He replied, trying one of his flirty smirks once again. And as expected, they were still completely useless on her.

"It's my stop. Goodbye, Oikawa-San." The girl finally muttered, grabbing her book and bag and rushing through the door, leaving no time for the boy to further inquire about her name or number.

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