Shin Hyeon talking informally to her "What does that have to do with this?" clicking her tongue "Nothing. I guess. Everyone and their dog can submit a proposal, anyway." looking at him dead in the eyes. The director repeated her words "Everybody and their dog?" Scoffing "Are you serious?" stepping up to her but Do San stood in front of him to stop him.  "Let's go" holding out her hand for Minji to take in which she did.

Waiting a few days later for the results everyone stood around Minji's table to see what she monitors when they will announce the top bidders. She kept pushing the refresh key but nothing was happening. "When will it be announced" Do San asking her. Pouting a little bit "At 2. 2 minutes left" 

"Stop pressing the refresh key" Yong San getting anxious "If we pass this screening, we're finalist right?" Sa Ha asking the team to see if anyone an answer her. Everyone could not sit still even though a lot of them just kept saying that this is just for the experience but deep down all of them wanted to be a finalist even if it seemed impossible. Minji then hit the refresh key one more time and glanced at the page to see their company name as the top five. 

Not believing her eyes "What?!" she yelled making everyone jump in their seats slightly. Leaning in closer to see if her eyes were seeing things right Minji read the fine lines she turned her monitor around for everyone to see for themselves. 

Congratulations you've passed the 2nd screening 

They were at the very top causing everyone to erupt in excitement. Hugging one another Minji wrapped her arms around Do San and then started to celebrate with everyone else. For getting this achievement the team immediately left their office to go to a local cafe and pick out some cakes and celebrate.

Standing in front of the glass Minji was looking to see which was a bit fit. "Uh...I'll take that one." pointing to a chocolate one "That one" pointing to a purple one. And searching around a bit more "Oh-oh that one" picking out a cake with a bunch of berries on the top. Turning to Do San "The berry one is the best so make sure to get a slice of that. Got it" 

"Got it" repeating after her couldn't help but just have a huge grin on his face. As they brought the cakes over to the table and set them down everyone was given a small party hat to wear "Dig in. My treat" Do San said making everyone clap and thanking him. Chul San was about to put his fork into the berry one and Do San just slapped his hand away.

The two looked at one another as if this was the last cake on Earth. Minji should put a mental note to tell Do San he doesn't need to be so protective with food.  "Let's celebrate" Sa Ha holding out a hat for him she places it on his head but pulled the string a little far down and let's go causing Do San to flinch.

Minji glared at her for a second and checked on Do San holding his head "Are you okay?" Minji then adjusted the hat on him being careful not to do what Sa Ha did. Everyone was mentioning their promises again with Chul shaving his head and Sa Ha revealing her boyfriend even Do San said he wants to keep his promise glancing at Minji. 

Watching her co-workers enjoy the cakes filled Minji with joy but also a thought popped into her head having her zone out a little bit. Do San noticed the girl in her own world and patted her shoulder "You okay?"

Folding her hands together "Yeah, I was just thinking." 

Being curious "What about?"

"Well since you asked" taking off her party hat she addresses the table. "I wanted to ask your opinion on something. Almost every self-driving car company in the country made a bid, and we became the finalist. I believe it's proof that our technology has a competitive edge." They nodded their heads in agreement. "So I was thinking of expanding a scale up to say. To speed things up that way we can recruit more people and invest in R&D. What do you guys think?" there seemed to be a sense of agreement amongst them and now Minji just had to convince her sister to be on board. 

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