His Family

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You and Makki were walking for about three minutes until you guys reached the bus stop that would take you to his house. His house was only a couple o miles away and both of you were too tired to walk so you opted for the lazy route.

Once on the bus, you and Makki both played sticks like the kids you were. You won 7 times in a row, "Wow you suck at this Makki."

"Do not, your just a super freak at this game,"

"Yeah.. I'm not like other girls," giving him the signature Debby Ryan smirk.

"Yeah, other girls are more mentally stable."

"Oh shut it."

"YOurE nOt mY DAd!"

Finally, after 10 vine quotes and a couple of meme references the bus stopped. You both got off quickly and made your way to his house. You started to walk up the sidewalk but he stopped you," My families a bit weird. Dont be alarmed."

"Youre a bit weird,"

He rolls his eyes and opens the door,"Im home!," he shouts while taking his shoes off.

"Im in the kitchen Little Dumpling!"

You look at Makki dubiously,"Little Dumpling?... lol"

"Aww, are you jelous I get a cute nickname?"

"Bruv where do you get these ideas?" He shrugs as he head toward what you think is the kitchen and motions you to follow.

You enter with Makki and see a middle aged woman that looks just like Makki. She even wears the bored expression he always wears when he actually shutups, but her expression changed when she saw you and Makki.

"Ohhhhhh myyyyyyyyy Dumpling you brought a Giirrrrlllll!! HONEY GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE, TAKA BROUGHT A GIRL HOME!" she smiles at you before coming up to you and shaking your hand vigorously(I know peeps in Japan dont do that but.. oh well),"Hi Im Hanamaki Kirita but you can call me Kiri and my husband is if he would actually get off his butt and come, is Yuji,"

Makkis mom was still shaking your hand," Im L/n F/n! Its a pleasure to meet you!"

"Awww you are sooo darling how did Taka actually get a girlfriend so polite?"

Makkis eyes bulge," Mom shes not my girlfriend."


You chuckle a bit and Makki shoots you a I Told You So glance.

A girl probably a few years younger than you enters the kitchen. She has black hair, and black eyeliner on along with black lipstick, and is wearing a bunch of chains around her fully black outfit.

"Mirai is finally coming out of cave I see," Makki teases while poking her.

She shoots him a glance,"I need a blood sacrfice and I wont hesitate to use you."

And for once Makki dosnt have anything to say. You start to bust out laughing.

"Are you laughing at me," the young girl deadpans.

"Nah. Not at all Ive never seen anyone shut Makki up. Its quite funny!"

"Hmmm... youre not bad," the girl says and the retreats back into her 'cave'.

"Danng Makki getting scared of your little sister?" you say while smacking the back of his head.

"You would be to if you knew her. She never bluffs."

Finally the man Kiri was waiting for comes into the kitchen. He also wears the RBF bored face that has come quite familiar to you.

"Is this her?" he asks.

"Yes honey now be a little more hospitible."

"Umm... Yes, Im Hanamaki Yuji. You may call me Mr.Hanamaki," he says turning towards you.

"Okay Mr. Hanamaki Im L/n F/n!"

You were about to offer your hand when suddenly Makki starts drag you away," Were going to the mall, so I need to get ready."

"Thats fine Dumpling say bye before you leave tho." his Mom calls back.

Makki had finally reached the door still dragging you. He plopped you on the bed and starts to laugh,"Omg... Oh My.. Hahahah."

"What? Did I do something wrong." you said now sitting upright on his bed with your arms crossed.

"Not really. Okay lets break this down into points. 1. My mom already loves you 2. Somehow you got Mirai to like you 3. My dad dosn't have a preference right now and I would like to keep it that way."

You were very confused. You knew his Mom liked you. You didnt really think his siter cared, but the most puzzling was his dad why would he drag you away before you could shakehands?

Weird family indeed, but you liked it.

"Makki all your family is just great! I love them!"

He shoots you a mistchevios grin," Well if you like them so much then how about becoming a part of it."

Without missing a beat already used to Makkis pickup lines you say" I dont think me and Mirai would be a good match."

"ReAlly." his eyes bulged.


"Well in that case I guess your free range. MIRAI IM TAKING YOUR GIRL!"

"WHAT THE HELL R U TALKING ABOUT. STOP SPEWING CRAP STUPID!" the teenager yells thru the walls.

You start to crack up,"S-Shes" deep breath," Gonna kill you. HAHAGDVSCLIDCBG."

Makki slighly frowns before going to his desk and pulling out a lap top," Here while I get ready you can read Rent fwor Eachwother- A Shrek x Scooby-Doo fan fic."

"Wait Mattsun was being serious?!"

"Duh and Im the co- author. Once your done tell me what you think."

You nod as he heads to what is probaly the bathroom with clothes in his hand.

You begin to read.

By the time Makki got back you had already laughed our butt off and were now hugging the pillow crying.

Makki runs up to you with concern,"Whats wrong?"

You just stare with tears streaming down your face,"This," you said while pointing to the last paragraph on his laptop.

Scooby had just jumped in front of cannon to save Donkeys life and with a parting remark he said," Srek I ruv ruu. Alrays hrave, brut I sree the ray you rlook at ronkey rand I know rew ront be rable to rive rithout rhim." Shrek stands over Scoobys body," Your wrong I always loved you the most."

Makki sits down on the bed and hugs you,"I know its hard but in the end they both loved eachother."

You looked up at him and smiled,"I know."

"PLUSSSS there will be a sequel."


"Yep. So dont be sad."

Makki got up and offered his hand,"Madommoiselle, shall we?"

You took his hand already over the quick sadness.

Word Count 1038. I actually have no idea what the heck was going on in this chapter. Also if your name dosnt start with L and ends in asset then ignore this message:I wasnt able to use snap yesterday and wont for about 2 more days so like Im not ghosting you :)

Silly Goose (Hanamaki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now