3. Practice Match with the Boys

Start from the beginning

"We can't even get a manager because they can't do their jobs. All they do is stare googly eyes him," Sakusa chimed in saying, "They are germs who don't understand personal space of 2 meters (6 feet)."

"That reminds me, we have a practice match this Friday after school with the girls' volleyball team. Do you want to come?" Komori asked.

"Sure, I'll come," she replied stoically, semi-lying she's actually participating.

"Great! See you then." The bell rang for the end of lunch and the start of the second half of school.

~ ♪ ~

It was practice day between the boys' and girls' team. Both teams were their respective gyms reviewing their strategies.

"Let's have Mori-chan match up with Sakusa as much as possible," Miura said and captain agreed, "I agree, it would give us a better chance to counter his spikes. We'll make more room for Mori as she have a bigger range in receiving."

"We should also try to tighten up the course and make him hit a straight to her as well." Otake said.

"And leave the points to me!" Juumonji yelled.

"Alright, time to head to the other gym." Takao said with everyone yelling they are ready.

The boys' gym were in the gym 1. The girls were dressed in their gym attire with yellow tanks. [F/n] had a green one to show she was a libero. All the girls brought their belongs to the boy's gym.

"Thank you for having us!"

"Boys, the girls are here. Clean up and get ready."

The boys began to clean up, while Komori was looking for [F/n]. "I wonder where Mori-san is. She's a bit late."

"She'll show up."

"Look that libero. She's so short, compared to rest!" The two look to see [F/n] stretching while the girls warm up with spikes. "Mori/Mori-san!?"

Komori ran up her to with Sakusa following. "I'd didn't know you were on the volleyball team. Much less as a libero, too!"

"You didn't ask," She replied tonelessly while focusing on her stretches.

"Even so, you could've said something?"

"Sorry...?" She had a habit to giving vague answers so she couldn't say much. "Any who let's both do our best."

"I won't lose." Sakusa smiled and she thought, So he can smile.

"Me, too."

~ ♪ ~

The practice match had begun. The boys were the first to serve and girls were to receive.

"Everyone knows the game plan right?" Captain asked as they huddle.

"Direct Sakusa to Little Fairy." Captain nods. "Let show them what we got. Itachiyama girls..."

"Fight on!" The girls cheered.

Both teams line up and greet each other, "Let's play!"

The ball was starting on the boys' side with the girls receiving.

"All right!" [F/n] received the ball and passes to Imai, "Imai-senpai!"

The ball is set to Juumonji with one blocker in view. The ace spikes the ball with a cross. The opposing team is able to receive it and it's set to Sakusa.

"Get ready! 1, 2, 3... Jump!" The front row shift to the side to cut the cross. Sakusa hits a straight to [F/n]. That ball looks like it has a heavy spin. I got to try to compress the force as much as possible.

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