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"Cymphony Wake your ass up now" Cymphonys dad, Richard yelled banging on her room door.

"And why the fuck yo door locked, you dont pay no bills around here so u dont get to be locking no doors get up now!" He yelled walking back to the door.

She jumped up and unlocked the door but instantly regretted it when he lunged at her.

Bitch nigga, this why I keep my door locked.

She thought.

He grabbed her by her hair and pushed her in the room causing her to slam into the walls. He locked the room door and walked over to Cymphony pulling her up.

"Momma" Said a little voice. Cymphony ran up to her daughters crib and picked her up.

Richard sighed loudly. "Tell the brat to go sleep or something, I aint done with your fast ass."

Cymphony wanted to tell him off and beat his ass right there but she knows better than to do something like that from past experiences.

She sniffed and picked up little Rachael her 2 year old daughter.

"Baby, go to aunty Ciara's room mommy gonna come get you afterwards." She said her voice raspy and low giving Rachael a weak smile.

"Okie" Said Rachael kissing Cymphony on her cheeck and using her little finger to wipe away a tear. "Momma gonna be all better?"

"Yes baby" Cymphony put her forehead on Rachaels and kissed her little nose.

"Send the kid off already damn." Richard sneered leaning on the wall with his arms folded over his chest angrily.

Little Rachael jumped out of Cymph's hand and ran to her aunty Ciara's room.

Cymphony glared at her sperm donar.

"I dont know why your dumb ass Kept that little brat, I should've put your ass out." Said Richard sucking his teeth.

Cymphony bit hard on her cheeck and gritted her teeth. "Dont talk about my daughter like that"

"She my grand-daughter. I dont know where you getting these balls from, dont let me get something to make your ass act right." Said Richard slapping Cymphony across her face leaving an oh so familiar hand print.

Cymphony was not fazed by the slap she just received. After all it was nothing new, she's been hurt worse. Cymphony had only talked back when Richard would say something about Rachael, gaining a hard slap across her face. It doesnt matter how hard she would be beaten as long as she knows she stood up for and protected her daughter.

Richard grabbed her neck and tightened his grip.

Cymphony was gasping for air, she grabbed Richard's hands trying to get them from around her neck but he only squeezed tighter.

She started kicking, fighting for air.

Then she realized his eyes looked droopy and bloodshot red. He looked like he just been through a war, the great depression then back.

He's high..

Cymphony didnt know her father was a drug addict she's never seen him like this before.

Richard still had his hand around Cymphonys neck but Ciara had heard the Grunts and all the noise they were making. Ciara knocked loudly on the door.


"Mommy" Said Rachael in her baby voice.

Cymphonys eyes shot open when she heard her daughter call her.

I cant leave my daughter like this lord, please help me, please give me strength, I would rather die and be free but not while I have my daughter living in this world with all these cruel people, She needs someone to protect her. I promised to be that Protector when I gave birth to her. I will live for my Rachael. I will protect her.

Cymphony said a silent prayer.

Ciara was still knocking on the door.

Cymphony sobbed still trying to pry her sperm doners hands from around her neck. He's choked her before but not like this. He choked her like he wanted her dead.

Finally Richard released Cymphony and she fell back breathing heavily.

He quickly sobered up and looked at the damage he did.

"Damn, I fucked you up bad this time." He said sounding like he didnt really care.

He unlocked the door when Ciara was about to start knocking again.

"Hey, whats going on" Said Ciara looking at Richard and walking in with little Rachael on her hip.

Richard walked past Ciara sucking his teeth on the way out.

Ciara ran to Cymphony when she saw her on the floor breathing heavily.

"Oh my god, Cymph are you okay?" Ciara asked checking Cymphony, seeing her sister like this brought tears to her eyes.

The sisters sat up and cried hugging eachother. Rachael went and hugged her mother from behind.

After minutes of sobbing the two girls stood up and brushed thereselves off.

Cymphony took Rachael's hand and led them down the stairs.

When they got there, their was no sign of Richard.

I hope he gets hit by a big ass bus.

She said in her head.

She sat Rachael down in her booster seat and went over to the fridge to start breakfast.

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