Dinner with the bokutos

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akaashi pov

I called my mother, and asked her if I could stay over for dinner. She said that it was fine, and so now I'm here. Bokuto-san's mother was finishing dinner, and I was playing SSB with bokuto-san. I tried to help bokuto-san's mother, but she insisted I go hang out with bokuto-san. We were in the living room, sitting on the floor. Bokuto-san was struggling, while I wasn't even breaking a sweat. With one last hit, I knocked him out and he groaned. "I've never lost before! I can't believe I lost! TO YOSHI MIGHT I ADD!" He yelled. 

"You do realize how powerful Yoshi is, right?"

"Well I do now!" He groaned again. "Rematch!" I smiled.

"Okay then."

"BUT!" I should have seen this coming. "You can't use yoshi!" 

"Alright." I chose nev, and bokuto close shiek. As soon as it started I had a personal mission to annoy the shit out of him. So I spammed PK-fire. I won again, and smirked to myself.


"You forget kenma and I are best friends. I go to his place often and we play video games. This is one of his favorites."

"Oh... right." He was quiet for a minute. "That move was so annoying though."

"I know." 

"Why'd you spam it then?!" I shrug.

"Dunno. Just felt like it."

"AKAASHI!" He yelled in a hurt tone. 

"I'm sorry bokuto-san." 

"Boys! Dinners ready!" Bokuto's mom called out. 

"COMING!" Bokuto yelled, as we both got up. Hina was at the table, but her brother wasn't. "Where's Hiro?" Bokuto-san asked his sister.


"Okay." We sat down, and Hiro came out a minute later and sat with us.

"Thank you for the food!" We all said before we started eating. We were making small talk as we ate, the conversation not being that important. 

"So akaashi, you're a year younger than kotaro?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Then why are you able to tutor him?"

"I took more advanced math in middle school, so I was able to take the 3rd years math in my second year." I explained. 

"Ah. That explains that." him mother said. I grabbed my glass and started to take a sip whe Hiro asked something that caught me off guard.

"Are you gay?" I almost choked on my drink. I looked at him. 

"HIRO!" His mother yelled. 

"What?" He asked as I laughed nervously.

"Yes I am gay." I said in a nervous tone. 

"Same." I heard next to me. I looked over at bokuto-san.

"Wait, you too?"


"Yes. you did." Hina said. I giggled, as bokuto-san groaned. 

After dinner bokuto-san walked me halfway home. We were quiet as we walked, before bokuto spoke. "Hey, I'm sorry about my brother."

"Its fine bokuto-san. It was fun. We should do this again sometime." I said. "anyways about our next session, where do you want to-"

"Can we study at your place next time?" I looked at him, a suprised look on my face. 

"Y-yeah, sure. I dont mind."

"Great! I'll see you there!" He said waving. We were at the halfway mark to my house, when he headed back to his place. But he didn't leave without doing one thing.

He engulfed me in a hug, before heading home, and I walked back to my place, a blush on my face.

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