Chiakis POV

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              Chiaki's POV
I told all of my friends my goodbyes and held Usami's (Monomi's) hand while walking through the doors to my execution. I was scared, but if this was for the sake of my friends I'd do anything. After all, I technically am an artificial intelligence program. I got to the doors while sitting on the floor with Usami and realize there is a tank heading near us..  One by one the Usami's were getting blown up. I notice an exit door, take a nearby Usami  by the hand, and run as fast as I can with the other remaining Usami's following me. Monokuma is near by and running over all the Usami's besides the one I have that is holding my hand. I notice I passed the exit but it was too late. I ran into a wall while another wall suddenly goes behind us, making no where to run. "This is it. I'm dead.. goodbye friends, goodbye Hajime." I thought as I saw a couple bricks, almost like Tetris fall down from a crane. I see Usami get crushed and I know this is where I'm probably going to die. I close my eyes, preparing for the impact then I open my eyes one last time, wondering when I'm going to get crushed and I see it right above me it falls down and I get crushed.

I notice that I can move my body and then I pinch myself to see if this is somehow a hallucination after I die or some crazy dream somehow. I notice that I can still touch my hand so I'm not a ghost.. I think? I notice that I'm in my cottage so I decide to go to random places until I find someone and try to talk to them. I head to the Diner first and surprisingly everyone one was there besides Hajime. Poor Hajime.. I feel really bad for him having to deal with this killing game. He must not be taking it well. I see Nagito in the corner. Wait- what?? Nagito's alive too? Maybe I should go over to him for some answers! As soon as I head over there I see that Hajime has arrived. His eyes were red and underneath his eyes he had eye bags. 'Oh Hajime..' I thought while feeling sorrowful. I noticed that he looked at me and Nagito. He looked so much happier almost instantly. I noticed he looked at Nagito first and looked ecstatic from his previous state. 'Weird.. I thought he hated Nagito?' I saw that Hajime decided to walk up in front of me first "Chiaki.. your alive??" Hajime said with a look of amazement. "Y-you can se-" I started to say while Fuyuhiko interrupted me. "Hey bastard, who are you talking to?" I guess only Hajime and possibly Nagito can see me then? "I'm talking to Chiaki look! And Nagito is right there!" Hajime pointed to my direction, then to Nagitos. "Look, I know you miss them but you can't do anything about it. Nagito and Chiaki are DEAD." Fuyuhiko said looking away from Hajime. I felt a bit of sadness take over my features but I notice Hajime running away.. I'll give him some time to himself. I'll go talk to Nagito for now.

I see Nagito sitting close to the door and I say "Hey Nagito!" He looked at me and said "Oh you can see me! I kind of expected that, but it's nice to have someone to talk to even though trash like me doesn't deserve it." He said sighing while I said "oh.. well I think Hajime can see us so maybe we can go talk to him tomorrow? "Yeah I guess.. although he is a remnant of despair." He said while clutching his fist. "Oh so you figured it out..?" I said with shock. "Yes, that's why I tried killing everyone, including myself because everyone besides you is a remnant of despair.. I am so ashamed of myself." The white haired male said. "Don't be ashamed of yourself, it was all Junko Enoshima's doing anyway."

After that we talked for a few hours because it was late and I decided to go to my cottage. I saw that Hajime was asleep in there so I decided to go to Hajime's cottage, I don't have a key though so I just went through the window that was surprisingly unlocked. Wow 'Hajime you should be more careful...' I thought as I went to bed on his mattress.

I woke up the next day and decided to wake up Hajime since I woke up 7 minutes before the monokuma announcement so I skipped over to my cottage. I saw that the door was unlocked. 'I've really got to tell him to lock the door.' I thought while looking at Hajime's sleeping body. I looked away blushing a bit What if Hajime saw this?? I'll just wake him up. I tapped him a few times and he wouldn't wake up so I just shouted "WAKE UP!!!!!" Until he'd actually wake up. He woke up with his eyes closed and said "I don't want to.." "Hajime wake up before I throw my backpack at you! If that's even possible.." I told him kind of aggressively. he widened his eyes in surprise and said "C-CHIAKI??"

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