Professor Binns floats into the classroom. "Goodmorning, first years. Welcome to History of Magic." He moans in a monotone voice. I could already tell this was going to be a long class.


I prod Draco awake at the end of class. "You fell asleep, but you can copy my notes later." I tell him, shoving my parchment into my bag.

"At least next class we get to use magic." He stretches, standing up. I follow, gathering my things with me. "By the way, I love your hair today." He touches the few strands I left hanging from my messy bun.

I walk out of class with him, and Potter and Weasley stand there, waiting for me. Draco looks them up and down. "If you could excuse us, we have class to get too." Draco grabs my arm.

"Just let us talk to Ashley." Harry sighs. "You may not be our friend, but she is."

Draco looks at me. "I'll be fine, save my seat for me." He nods, and heads into the direction for charms class. I look at the two Gryffindor boys and cross my arms. "The hell do you two want?" I ask, snapping. 

"Well, you're the one who ignored us in class." Ron retaliates. There was no way I was going to let them get the last word.

"You two also tried making me feel like crap about being in my house!" I shout at them. A few glances were cast upon us in the halls. "I knew I was going to be Slytherin, but you made me think that I would become a bad witch from it."

I shove past them, knowing I got the last say. Harry and Ron, not giving up, ran up to me. "We never meant to make you feel bad, Ashley." Harry says from my left side. "Ron is just prejudice like that and made me think that way. I don't think all Slytherins are bad, you're not." Harry tells me.

I sigh. "That doesn't sound like an apology to me."

"We're so sorry, Ash." They both say at the same time. "You should come have lunch with us today."

"As much as I would love that, I have other things I need to do, like make sure I don't fail my classes, and get my house some points." I wink at them. "But, I forgive you guys. Maybe after classes we can find sometime to hang out." I suggest, walking into Charms class.

I take a seat next to Draco. "You ok?" He asks me. "They didn't do anything to you, did they?" He glances at them as they take a seat.

"No, they didn't. Why?" I ask, and he turns his attention back to me.

"Well, you know, Slytherins help each other out, if they did something to you, I would have to defend you, we're in this house together." He rambles. I giggle.

The professor walks in. I look down at a feather on the desk. He taps his wand on his desk to get our attention.

"Hello, children! Welcome to charms, now, we won't start off with anything super hard. Today, we will do a simple little spell, called 'Wingardium Leviosa.' Say it with me!" The class repeats the spell. "Now, pull out your wands and hold them like this, move it like this." He demonstrates.  We all follow after him. "Now, you won't get it on the first try, but with practice, you will eventually master it."

Draco and I pulled out our wands. I held mine delicately in my hand. "Wingardium Leviosa." I point at the feather. It moves maybe an inch, but it doesn't float like Flitwick showed us.

Draco seems to really be struggling, some kids are saying it wrong, and some kids are blowing their feathers up. I keep trying, but I can feel frustration rising in me.

I look over at Hermione, who has hers in the air. I take a deep breath, look at my feather, and chant the spell. I watch the white feather rise up slowly in the air, I keep myself concentrated. "Congrats, Hermione and Ashley. Ten points to both your houses!" He claps. Other kids start to clap. I lower my feather down, and smile at Draco.

"Did you see that? I did it!" We give each other a high-five.

"And got us house points!" He exclaims. I laugh, looking at Hermione. She smiles. I give her a warm smile back.

"Now, students, keep practicing on small things you could find in your dorms or in your belongings. This is no dangerous spell." He tells us as we pack up our things. "One more congrats to these two girls." He points to both Hermione and I.

As I leave the classroom, Hermione and I run to each other and hug each other. "That was awesome!" She squeals, jumping up and down with me.

"Our first house points!" I cheer. We both celebrate together. "We should probably head to class." I say, and she hugs me once more.

"See you there!" She calls out. I laugh, turning then to see London and Draco.

"How could you get in Ravenclaw? Mom and Dad will be so mad at you." Draco warns his twin. She rolls her eyes.

"I don't know why the hat put me there, but it must mean I'm smarter than you." She teases. "And I already talked to mom and dad, so chill out, they don't hate me yet."

The three of us walk together into Transfiguration. A cat is sitting on the desk. I knew that it was McGonagall. She talked to me this year about my animagus in our forms.


"Hello, Ashley, this is your future Transfiguration teacher. I understand you don't have much practice taking form, but I will be holding a session for all young animagus students who need help. I want you to join. You have a very rare form, the grim wolf is something you don't see every day."

I lie down beside the cat, that happens to be my teacher. "How many more are there, that are like me?"

"Well, there are no rare animals like you, but there are 4 other students that have an animagus form, and spread throughout the years of Hogwarts. It might help you."

"I will think about it." And after that, I stand, and start running back home to uncle Remus.

~End of Flashback~

I take my seat with Draco and behind London. The cat looks at me and nods, and I nod my head back. The bell rings, and Harry and Ron come running in. They gasp for breath.

Professor McGonagall then shifts into her normal form. Both boys apologize, and she simply lets it slide, as it is the first day.

"Goodmorning, and welcome to Transfiguration. We have a very special student with us today. Miss Black, will you join me, please." I stand, walking over to her, and standing by her side. "Miss Black here, is an animagus. Can anyone tell me what that might be?"

Hermione raises her hand. McGonagall points at her, signaling her to answer. "An animagus is someone who can willingly turn themselves into a certain type of animal. It is not common, but I am pretty sure there is a spell or potion you can use to make yourself into one."

"Very nicely said, five points to the house of Gryffindor. Miss Black, I would like you to show your form. Now class, Ashley is a rare form of animagus, which means she is a creature that no one else is. Now, if you will, Miss Black."

I roll out my shoulders and close my eyes. I feel myself start to shift into my paws and my fur. The class gasps, shifting in their seats when they see what I become.

"Do not be alarmed now, she won't hurt you. Unlike werewolves, she has control, she can still remember who she is." The professor tells all the students. "Ashley here, is the grim wolf, one of the rarest form of animals we have seen in this world."

London and Draco look at me in awe. Ron looks a bit terrified of me. Hermione, is of course, taking notes of my form. And Harry, well, Harry looks amazed but shocked.

"You may shift back now." I take my regular form, and take my seat. "For your bravery, twenty house points to Slytherin." My house mates start cheering for me, and I smile.

"Now, let's get started on class." She pulls out her wand, this is by far my favorite class.

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