Chapter 1

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"You have everything?" Remus asks me right before I get on the train. I give him a look, showing I'm annoyed. "I'm sorry, it's not every day you send off the girl you raised to Hogwarts."

"Will you stop worrying about me uncle Remus, I'll be fine." I smile, grabbing my trunk from him. 

"You are going to be one brilliant witch." He kneels down to kiss my forehead.

"I already am." He chuckles, standing. "You'll write?"

He pats my back. "Every week, and you could come home for Christmas. Although, you may not want to once you get there."

The train honks its horn. He looks at me. "Bye, uncle Remus, I love you!" I call out to him. He waves his hand as I jump onto the train.

I walk around, looking for a cart that's empty or somewhat empty. The train honks again, signaling it's about to leave. I quickly rush into a cart with two blonde haired twins, and another guy. "Do you mind if I sit here?" I ask them.

"Well, a girl as beautiful as you how could I say no." The blonde haired boy speaks. I blush, but take a seat next to the other boy.

"You'll have to excuse my brother." The girl glares daggers in her twins direction. "My name is London, and this is Draco, we're the Malfoy twins. And that there is Blaise Zabini."

I smile. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you, I'm Ashley, Ashley Black."

"So, Ashley, what house are you hoping for?" Blaise asks me. His voice was soft, and kind.

I fiddle with my hands in my lap. "My mother was related to Salazar Slytherin, so most likely I'll be ending up there, but my father was a Gryffindor, so I guess I have some choices."

"No way." Draco chuckles. "You're the heir? Can you speak parseltongue?" He asks me. I nod my head, blushing. "That's so cool!"

"Really? My uncle always thought it was weird and that I should hide it. He thinks that people won't like that I'm an heir and a pureblood."

Draco looks at London. "I'm sorry but I think I'm in love." I giggle and London rolls her eyes.

"So, I hear Harry Potter is on this train." She smirks. "If he's in Slytherin we will totally get the house cup."

I smile. "Yeah, I met him in Diagon Alley, he seems nice. But you're going for Slytherin?"

"Duh! House of Malfoy, we're always in Slytherin." Draco smirks. "And you already met Potter? What's he like?

All of them turn their attention on me. "Oh, well he was pretty shy, but he was very sweet in a way, very confused, it's his first time in the Wizarding World." I pause. "He was excited, he wanted to learn more about his parents."

"What happened to them is terrible." Blaise acknowledges. "I would be heartbroken if I lost my mom."

"Let's change the subject." London tells us. "Ashley, is that your owl?" She asks. I nod my head. "Eurasian Eagle Owl, if I'm not mistaken." I nod. "Draco has a Great Horned Owl, and I myself have an eagle owl, very beautiful creatures."

"London here is super passionate about animals." Draco tells me. 

"You're an animal and I don't like you." London retaliates.

The two start to argue. I lean over to Blaise, "Are they always like this?" I ask him.

"Don't worry, you get used to it." He and I both laugh as the two twins sit and argue.


"Wow." I look out the window and see the castle. "Guys, check it out!" They scoot over to the window. "It really is beautiful."

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