Chapter one: the jade colony

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The new world was a thriving ecosystem that hosted many creatures, each having their own abilities that enabled them to survive. The most noted creatures however, were the elder dragons. The elder dragons were a sentient group of monsters that dominated the food chain. Some would even call them gods. However, the elder dragons were not the only intelligent creatures in the new world. Underground, a huge nest of insectoid creatures was slowly gaining more power. These insect creatures were known as "seltas". The seltas were large, jade, flying beetles with a huge horn above their heads. They were all ruled by the seltas queen, a ridiculously large beetle that lacked wings or horns. However, a seltas queen was known for its gigantic tail, which had a single pincer at the end. The queen of this particular nest was known as "queen emerald". Queen emerald had gathered an entire army of seltas to her side, and had built the nest, which she called, "the jade colony". However, queen emerald would not have been able to make the colony successful, if she hadn't discovered a certain nerscylla. Queen emerald had found the infant nerscylla near the center of the colony, where queen emerald usually resided at. The seltas queen had adopted the nerscylla, and had raised him to be a secret weapon, an assassin. But today, As the assassin was resting in his web, fast asleep, he was awoken by the voice of two seltas guards. "You, wake up!" One of the guards shouted. The nerscylla slowly woke up, and lowered himself to the ground. "What do you want." The Assassin said, annoyed that he was awoken from his slumber. "The almighty queen has requested an audience with you. You are coming with us." The other guard said. The Assassin did not argue, and set off for the center of the colony. Soon, the assassin arrived, and stared at queen emerald, who was sitting in a makeshift throne. "Do straighten up, you look horrid today." Queen emerald said. The assassin brushed this off, and questioned why he was here. "Why have you brought me here?" He said. "Listen shade, both you and I know why you are here. You are here to continue your work to repay me." Queen emerald said. Shade, the assassin, knew what this meant. "Who do you want me to kill now?" Shade said, his voice empty of emotion. "Well, there is a certain someone I would like you to meet. So show your respect." Queen emerald said. Suddenly, shade and queen emerald turned to see a black figure land outside the entrance to a tunnel. The figure stepped in, and the light of the glowing mushrooms revealed the figure to be Alatreon, the black dragon. "Ah, my special guest has arrived!" Queen emerald said, enthusiastic about the visitor. "Where is the assassin you told me about." Alatreon said. "Why he is right here, shade will serve you well for your request." Queen emerald said. Shade looked at Alatreon, sensing a feeling of dread just looking at him. "Well then "shade", I have a very important mission for you. There is a certain elder dragon by the name of "Velkhana" who is causing trouble for my citizens. I need you to exterminate her, and bring her severed head to me as proof of your loyalty." Alatreon said. Shade nodded. Shade didn't really care about anyone or anything. The darkness of the colony taught him to survive, and that allies would only slow him down. "Good, now off you go, I have business to attend to" Queen emerald said. As Shade turned and walked out, he could hear queen emerald and Alatreon talking to each other, yet he couldn't figure out what they were saying. Shade didn't ponder about this, and looked up to the hole that lead to the surface. Shade looked over, and grabbed his white cloak, a prized possession from one of his missions. As shade put on the cloak, he shot a stream of webbing from abdomen, which began to carry him out of the colony. As shade emerged on the surface, he squinted his eight eyes. The light burned his eyes, which was why he wore his cloak during his missions. Once shades eyes adjusted to the light, he used his senses to pick up any traces of Velkhana. This ability was passed on from nerscylla to nerscylla. Most people referred to this ability as "spidey senses" which always put shade in a sour mood. Shade soon picked up traces of Velkhana, and soon began his trek to assassinate his target, like he was made to do.

Velkhana was sitting within her den, watching her followers from above. Velkhana then felt her body shiver as a small gust of wind was blown across her back. She turned to see Valomyr with a smug grin. "Valomyr, I thought I told you to stop doing that. It makes me feel weird." Velkhana said. "Apologies Velkhana, it's just fun to do that." Valomyr said, a small chuckle being heard by Velkhana. "Well, I can't stay mad at you" Velkhana said. "By the way, do you know where namielle is? I haven't seen her at all today" Valomyr said. "She probably went to the shores to warm herself." Velkhana said. "Well that's a relief" Valomyr said. "Why do you say that?" Velkhana asked. "I don't know why, but I feel that a presence is following me." Valomyr said. Velkhana became nervous at this. She wanted to believe it was Nergigante, causing trouble as usual, but something told Velkhana, that she was to face a new enemy. One that would put Velkhana's survival to the test.

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