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            He looked like a daisy. White bleached hair, white yellowish fair skin, beautiful eyes and plump soft lips that Hongseok wanted to -oh so badly- kiss. Hyunggu has always looked ethereal in his eyes, he was kind, handsome and friendly. It was kinda hard not to fall for him and hongseok has had this big crush on him for a while.
Hongseok never had a proper conversation with the guy, not even a small hello or a wave of hand. "i'm literally invisible, he won't even notice me" that's what Hongseok thought. What he didin't know was the other's obvious staring but what can we do? Hongseok is too oblivious to notice.

                Hyunggu was aware of the older's existence [? :")] He found Hongseok seraphic and the guy was living in his mind 24/7 (rent free hehe) despite having never talked to him. He didn't know what he was feeling towards the latter and he thoight it was just admiration. It was no secret to anyone and whenever he was asked about it he would simply reply saying something along the lines "I just find him handsome. Like look at him, he's fit, he has the perfect face like... He's perfect. And yes i just admire him that's all" and his friends always reply with a "that's kinda gay dude." Now let's get back to Hongseok. While scrolling throught istagram his friend, Hui, called him


   AYYYYY how's it going
my friend??

Horrible since you called
What do you want?

Can't i just call you
without a reason??

Well yes, but you never call
without a reason

Hmm okay anyways
When are you going to
confess to your obvious
crush on Hyunggu?


You've had a crush
on him for like
what? 2 years?
Man the fuck up and do
it before you regret anything

It's obvious that
he doesn't like me.
I mean he doesn't even
know that i exist!


why are you so damn
The dude is always
staring at you how tf did
you not notice???
He almost devored you
with his eyes!.

Nah, i don't believe

BITCH! *sigh*
How about you

Not changing my mind,
still a no.


I never talked to the guy,
i can't just go to him and
say "Hi, i like you" and
go away! He'll definitely
think that i'm a weirdo!.

YES! That's exactly what
you need to do!

You're not helping!

Just leave a letter and
a flower in his locker

Sounds cute but

Oh come on!
I didn't spend the past
hour thinking of that
for your ass to refuse!
Just do it! You don't have
to write your name
just leave it there
anonymously. And give
him daisies. He likes

How the fuck do you
know what he likes??

Let me remind you that
my boyfriend is his friend.
Now back to the point: DO IT

Do what?

Secret letters.




Yes or i'll expose
your ass

You have nothing against
me stop bluffing.

Well what if i tell Kino
that you secretly took
pictures of him and that
You literally have a whole
folder of 100 pictures
of him in your phone or
that you once followed
him home

Shut up we don't talk about
that and i know that you're
not serious.

But wht if i am?

Ugh, FINE!

YAY! Now lemme tell
you about my cute
boyfie. He's so cute UwU

No, get away. I don't
hear your horny ass
simping over your

You're just jealous.

*hangs up*


     Hongseok remains still for a while looking at his phone contemplating the idea. He looks at the clock which shows exactly 1 am. Hongseok sighs "ah i don't care... We'll see tomorrow i'll just sleep." and with that Hongseok puts the blanket over his head.


646 words

HELLOU THERE! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Please leave comments! 💜 💜 💜

a daisy and you is all i needحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن