Chapter One

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A/N-thanks to HenryPearl and CaptainSmitty69 for all their help to make this story possible. And now it's time to see how Osto and Derpy met the animatronic cast!

"Are you sure about this spot,sis?" A pink haired male asked his sister,who had unique eyes and pink hair as well. "It seems a little run down." The male spoke before he gently touched the mailbox,which crumpled to the ground after it's wooden stand gave way. The building that the two were currently standing in front looked very abandoned and very old,it had vines growing off of the walls as well as dull colors,the paint was also chipped. The building looked like it was about to collapse any second. "I'm sure it's fine,Bryan wouldn't give us this place if he knew it was BAD,lighten up,Osto. You just need to see things the way I do." The male,now known as Osto,turned to look at his sister with worry in his eyes. "But we don't have Helpy here to guide us!" He spoke in protest. "Bryan wants us to expand the world of animatronics! He wants us to have animatronics that are unique and different." The female,known as Derpy Chan,perked up. Osto just sighed before muttering "if you insist,Derpy."

The two of them decided to walk inside the building and check it out. "This use to be a pizzeria? Looks like a abandoned warehouse of sorts." Osto spoke before he ran a finger over a chair,which nearly collapsed. "Osto,be careful!" Derpy warned "we don't know how long this stuff has been rotting away for."

"My guess would be about a decade or maybe even more." Osto told her in a blunt tone.

Derpy sighed,she wanted her brother to see the positive side of things like she could. "Maybe you'll change your mind once we spruce this place up a bit?"

Osto nodded and smiled,Derpy smiled back,happy that her brother would finally see the good side of things. Osto then went to the department store to gather everything he and his sister might need to fix up the place.

After a few hours of painting,ordering,and redecorating. The place was finally done,the exterior walls were a nice pastel pink with the scent of lavender mixed in. The interior walls had a pastel blue coloring to them with some white lines going across. "This looks very cute." Derpy cheered with excitement. "Now all we need is some animatronics,we can't have a restaurant without any of them." Osto told her.

It was a little while later that Derpy and Osto were looking for places that sell animatronics. They soon came to a building with a 'going out of business' sign on it. "Um excuse me?" Derpy called out to a man,who was currently loading boxes onto a truck. "Oh,what do you two want? Can't you see that Fred's Fries is going out of business?!?" The man then turned around,he had black hair that was covered with sprinkles of dust,he also was wearing a green apron with a white shirt and black jeans underneath. "We were just looking around for animatronics we could-" Osto didn't even finish his sentence as the man's eyes widen before he cleared his throat. "Come,I just might have the perfect two to get help you. My name is Fred by the way,owner of Fred's Fries." Fred then called to another employee of his before he led Derpy and Osto into the kitchen of his restaurant. He then stood before two animatronics,ready to be boxed and shipped away. "Meet Henry the wolf and Daniel the cat. These two guys are my most treasured possession and I was originally going to ship them off to a warehouse but I think they both deserve a better home then some dusty old warehouse,am I right?"

Osto and Derpy both nodded as Fred continued to speak "I'll give them to you for free if you two help me move some stuff into that truck." Osto then stepped forward "we will do it,sir." He then shook hands with Fred before shaking his hand away. Fred then chuckled lightly "sorry,I haven't had a chance to wash my hands today,still full of grease." Osto then managed to clean off his hand before he and Derpy went to help Fred move some of the boxes. After they were done,Fred led them back into the kitchen,where Henry and Daniel's boxes stayed. "Now,I'll deliver these two personally to your restaurant,what is it called?" Fred asked. Derpy then gasped,they have forgotten to name their new restaurant. "We don't have a name yet but we are working on it." She quickly told him. "Next thing you're going to tell me is that you don't have a stage to put these guys on." He tapped the boxes containing the two animatronics. Derpy and Osto both looked at each other "no,we don't." Osto told him. "Well don't fret fellas because I'm willing to give you a stage,free of charge!" Both Osto and Derpy were surprised. "No pay at all?" She asked,to which Fred nodded "of course,you guys now have two new animatronics and nowhere to put them so I'm willing to be your first helper on your journey to owning a restaurant." Fred spoke before he had two workers come and put the boxes,containing the animatronics,onto a large wagon. "Just take them back to your place and the stage should be there already." Fred told them. Derpy was surprised "already?!?" Fred then told her "I have investors in a building company that make stages for animatronics." Derpy then went to haul the wagon all the way back to their pizzeria with Osto helping by hauling the wagon once Derpy got tired.

"That was a long trek,I hope Fred is going to be okay." Derpy spoke as she managed to lift the box containing Daniel onto a wooden stage that was very sturdy. "I'm sure he'll be fine. Anyway,let's see what these guys look like." Osto said,clapping his hands. He managed to open the boxes using a crowbar he had brought along. "Always knew Ol' Ross would come in handy someday." Derpy then went and turned on both the new animatronics. "Hello there. My name is Derpy and this is my brother Osto,we are your new owners."

"Where's Fred?" Daniel asked before Henry told him "he said he was also to ship us off to some old warehouse and then he had to force you off because you wouldn't stop crying."  Henry then glanced around. "This isn't some old dusty warehouse though,where are we?!?" Derpy then cleared her throat before speaking "you both are in our restaurant that currently doesn't have a name but we hope it will grow and develop as Bryan's pizzeria once did."

"Who's Bryan?" Henry asked.

"A friend of ours who recently got promoted to CEO."

"That's-that's quite a honor." Daniel spoke,covering his mouth in shock. Osto then went and gave Daniel a pat on the back.

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