week 1

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During day 3 I decided to start doing a little reflection type thing about how I was feeling and stuff :) also everything is in order from times of the day that I ate.

Day 1

Breakfast: Kind granola bar (chocolate)- 220
Lunch: Apple- 95
Dinner: 2 scrambled eggs- 182
Total: 508
93 oz of water
I burnt 831 calories
Net: -323

Day 2

Breakfast: Nature valley oats n honey crunchy granola bar- 190
Lunch: Nothing
Snack: 5 unsalted peanuts for snack :/
Romaine lettuce (2 cups)- 16
Cherry tomatoes (6)- 18
Olive Garden Italian dressing (1 and a half tbsp)- 60
Snack: Halo orange (2)- 74
Total: 383
80 oz of water
I burnt 535 calories maybe a little more (I took my Apple Watch off a while before bed lol)
Net: -152

Day 3

Breakfast: Peanut butter banana cliff bar- 260 :/
Lunch: A rice roll (similar to a rice cake but a roll instead)- 25
Dinner: Side salad from Arby's- 70
Dinner: Half a packet of ranch from Arby's- 100
Snack: blueberries (25)- 20
Total: 475
88 oz of water
I burnt 502 calories
Net: -105

I low key feel like shit and then I don't, but overall I don't feel that crappy and I lost about 3.10 pounds in the last three days! I've been drinking lots of water so that might be helping lol. I'm stressed out a little because I have to go to a birthday party tomorrow (it's a small family one) and I don't want to eat bad so I'm gonna eat a small breakfast and no lunch tomorrow hopefully :) 

Day 4

Breakfast: Greek yogurt- 80
Blueberries (5)- 4
Lunch: blueberries (25)- 20
Snack: walnuts (5)- 130?!
Dinner: Caesar salad- 200
Dessert: cake and icecream
Total: probably around 1,500 I would have to guess
— oz of water
I burnt —- calories
Reflection: okay I'm so pissed of rn that I just ate walnut like I knew nuts had calories but not 26 IN ONE NUT, like that's more than a whole damn rice roll bruh. Also that bday dinner we're having SALAD SO YAY! Also for dessert I'll have a scoop of ice cream but hopefully we won't have any.
Okay I'm not finishing today cus I don't want anyone to get suspicious and my grandma seemed sus so I'm just gonna eat a lot less tomorrow hopefully lol I've decided for birthday parties I'm gonna eat normal so I will probably eat too much tonight hopefully I don't get bloated I'm scared but it's fine and this is stressing me out so I'm gonna stop counting for today sry :( ewwww Omfg I feel so faaaat ahhhh oml tomorrow I will not eat very much ewww feeling full is such a gross feeling tbh I hate it. I'd rather feel hungry I don't feel as fat lol. Well that was very negative but anyways yea.

Day 5

Breakfast: black chai tea- 0
Lunch: Greek yogurt- 80
Dinner: homemade pizza- 166
Snack: bbq chips- 150 :/
Total: 396
33 oz of water
I burnt 640 calories
Net: -244

Reflection: okay sooo I started with just that yogurt until like 6 but I had to eat a piece of pizza cus I felt bad and the chips I just wanted so I ate them and felt shitty after I ate them but I'm still under 400 cals so it's all good lol. I was so tempted to binge tonight but I didn't do yayyy! Anyways I'm getting a hungry stomach ache so I'm gonna go to bed. I also skied today which was fun and I got to miss school because of it :)

Day 6

Breakfast: carrot cake- 290
Snack/drink: raspberry bubbly- 0
Lunch: lemonade (light)- 0
Dinner: Spinach and herb tortilla wrap- 60
Spinach (1 cup)- 5
Baby tomato- 8
Ranch (1 tbsp)- 60
Total: 423
86.6 oz of water
I burnt 385 calories
Net: 38 :/

Reflection: ok so I'm kinda mad that I didn't burn all of the calories I consumed today but I wasn't super far off and I had my watch off for a while so this isn't completely accurate but it's close probably like 10-20 cals off. Anyways I'm hungry so I'm going to bed. also I weighed myself and I lost 2.6 pounds in the last three days :)

Day 7

Breakfast: low cal bread (2)- 60
Egg (1)- 72
Raspberries (15)- 15
Lunch: lemonade (light)- 0
Greek yogurt- 80
blueberries (15)- 12
Raspberry bubbly- 0
Dinner: spinach (2 cups)- 10
Cherry tomatoes (10)- 30
Olive Garden Italian dressing (light)- 22
Snack: outshine no sugar added popsicle- 25
Extra gum (spearmint)- 5
Homemade applesauce: 150
Total: 481
33.8 oz of water
I burnt 725 calories
Net: -244

Reflection: I was kinda hungrier so I ate more than I had expected but I still stayed under 500 which is my goal daily I might move it down to 400 but that's kinda sus so idk. Anyways I had a headache today and my stomach feels weird but I feel fine overall. I went on a walk and then did a quick full body workout. YALL MY DAD JUST HANDED ME HOMEMADE APPLESAUCE OMFG NOOOOO still under 500 cals tho :/starting tomorrow I think I'm going to start eating 400 or less calories a day or like 450 maybe I'll just not eat breakfast and maybe skip lunch but I don't want my friends to get sus. My plan is to bring a granola bar to school for "breakfast" but actually just eat it for lunch that way my mom thinks I ate breakfast and my friends know that I ate lunch :)

Amount of weight lost after 7 days: 6 lbs

I will be publishing these once a week :) I'm not promoting these eating habits I'm just trying to hold myself accountable.

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