Thirty-One - Partners

Start from the beginning

"Ah your Nomu, how I dreamed of seeing one in person." The Doctor sighed longingly.

"Your daughter took it down. I'm impressed by your quirk work so I'll cut to the chase." He pulled a small vile from one of his pockets using his forefinger and thumb. "I need more of this stuff."

"What is that stuff?"

"It's a quirk antidote so to speak."

"And if I make it, you'll bust me out of here, is that how it works?" The Doctor raised an eyebrow and smirked smugly. "Sorry, kid, I don't work with amateurs."

"Pfft. We're far from amateur." Shigaraki returned the vile to its place in his pocket. "Listen, pal. We've tried to strike up a deal with one of you psychotic quirk scientists before and let me tell you, in the end it didn't go well for him. So here's how it's gonna go..." He clicked his fingers at the security office behind him, signalling for Toga to drop the anti-quirk barrier. "You're going to come with me, you're going work with us and you're going to create more serums for me."

The Doctor watched him blankly, not giving Shigaraki a chance to read him at all. "And if I refuse?" He asked unenthusiastically, like the whole conversation was just a boring ordeal he couldn't wait to be over.

"You haven't even heard the best part." Shigaraki opened his arms out and smiled beneath his hand mask. "We've got your boy."

The Doctor froze. "Y-you couldn't... There's no way anyone would have found him in that house, and if they did, the government would have taken him and destroyed him."

"Ah ah ah." He held his hands in front of him to stop the Doctor from going on. "We have our ways, my dear Doctor. So, what'll it be?"


Bakugo wasn't sure what time it was when he eventually fell asleep but he knew it was 6:13am when he heard Kirishima pounding at his door. 'Of course we had to have that fight on a Tuesday night.' He thought to himself as he rolled out of bed and stumbled to his door.

"Cmon dude, wake up!" Kirishima called from the other side of the door. "You better not be hiding Ren in there again." He lowered his voice and it sounded like he was whispering to Bakugo through the tiny keyhole. "The deal was that Wednesday mornings you were available for ru-" Bakugo pulled the door open and Kirishima had in fact been bent over and whispering into the keyhole. "Hey man!" He shot up and rubbed the back of his head casually. "You ready to-" He froze when he saw his friend's face. "Are- Are you okay man?"

He merely grunted and turned back into his room, Kirishima following closely behind and shutting the door while Bakugo flopped back onto his bed.

"You uh, your eyes are kinda red and puffy, have you been crying dude?" Kirishima asked as he awkwardly sat on the edge of Bakugo's bed.

"Why the fuck would I be crying?" Bakugo mumbled as he curled up a little on his side.

"It's not unmanly to cry." Kirishima said with a little chuckle. "Did something happen? I heard yelling last night, did you guys have a fight?"

Bakugo curled tighter on his side. "I really don't wanna talk about it, man." He pulled his blanket over his shoulder and tucked into it tightly. "Just- just go, please."

Kirishima furrowed his brow. "Okay." He sighed before he got up from the edge of Bakugo's bed, pausing just as he reached the door. "Ya know I'm always there if you wanna talk, right?" Bakugo didn't say anything but shifted a little to show Kirishima he was grateful.

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