The Birth of A Gem [9]

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Casen cursed as a tingle raced down his spine, it was about to start. "Raf, go!" He yelled, and his accomplice pulled out of the alley way just as a small device rolled into the road. "Everyone duck!" He yelled and just as quickly as he had said it, the grenade went off. The scream of the men chasing him had dulled as they fell to the ground, injured or dead. He smiled but then something dawned on him. Unless those guards were just incredibly stupid and had thrown a live grenade on their own teammates... then that wasn't one of there's, and then his vision replayed and the Stark Industries logo came into his view. "Ah, fuc-" His sentence was stalled as their car derailed itself and flipped into the air. Raf and Tint screamed as they watched themselves fly. Raf flew straight through the windshield and fell to the ground. Tint shielded his face as the car smacked against the ground, but he didn't need to, because by that time the green aura of a force field was glowing around them. Tint uncovered his face and looked over at his boss, and friend. 

Casen rolled his eyes as he wiped the blood off of his forehead and then retracted his force field. "You saw that-" "Yea, yea I did." He sighed, unbuckling his seat belt and falling to floor of his car before he used his telekinesis to unbuckle his partner and crawl out, only to be faced with the red boots of a man. Casen groveled as he looked the rest of the way up at the man he knew all too well. "Captain!" He cheered sarcastically. "It's so great to see you!" He smiled a bloodied smile just as the captain lifted his up by his leather jackets collar. 

"Casen, for someone who I served with, you sure as hell are putting a shame to this country." He said in his usual melodramatic tone. Casen was used to this seeing as every single time he had a run in with the Avengers, Steve Rogers was one of the people who would actually take the time to talk to him, it never worked though. And it was also true that Casen was almost as old as the Captain, having received the same super solider serum, he hopped onto the plane with him and at the last moment reveled himself as Rogers told him it was a good ride and the plan plummeted to it's icy death, them in it. But in addition to the serum, Casen had already had his own abilities, they just weren't "unlocked" per say until he was thawed out by Nick Fury and the rest of SHIELD and accidently caused the plane to fall out of the sky when he realized how much time it had been and where he was and what had happened. 

Ever since, he'd used his abilities for evil... or so said the Captain and all of the law enforcers, news outlets and Avengers that tried to stop him or report on his doings. He didn't have a motivation... he was just tired of being the little guy, and him and Steve took different routes in their paths to being the big dog. Only Casen knew he was far more powerful than any of them. "You know, I'd love to chat with you but um-" He coughed, a spray of blood landing on Steve's uniform, he looked down disgusted and that gave Casen the time to drag the car's broken off door over to him and smack in into the Captain, sending him flying. "-I think I might've broken a rib." He finished his statement before limping over to his injured friend, Raf who had been thrown through the window shield. "Hey, hey Raf you okay, bub." He reached over to turn him on his side but retracted back at the sight. It was as if every shard of glass from the broken window shield had barricaded itself into Raf's usually smiling face. He was far from alive and even farther from dead. 

A sadness crept up inside him almost overwhelming. "Ah." He cried out, vomit piling up in his throat. Raf and Tint were his friends, his bestfriend, his right hand men. And now Raf was dead. Sadness turned to anger as he calmed himself down only so that he could direct his abilities towards the person he knew was responsible. "Where's Maximoff!" He yelled into the air. The rest of the Avengers rained down from all directions of the street. No cars were driving by and that's when he realized that he had been enveloped in a trap since he left the gun factory. "No." He realized his mistake had cost the life of one of his own. No... Wanda Maximoff had cost the life of one of his own. 

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