Chapter 20 - She's awake

Start from the beginning

"No I don't know a Tory" Hunter said but he avoided eye contact, we all knew he was lying.


Yesterday at lunch before everyone came home.

Justin's pov

I sat at the lunch table with my mates and said "Shall I call Tony and ask him to do a background check on Hunter now while we are at school?"

"Yes, I want to know who he is" Zach said

"Something is off about him" Jessica said

"He looks a lot like Tory" Charlotte said

"Do you think maybe they are related?" Jasper said

"Maybe" Henry said

"He just seems really suspicious" Camila said

"From what you have told us" Chris said

"I don't want any one to hurt Kelani again" Ariana said

"She's been through enough mentally and physically, if he dares hurt her I'll kill him myself" Shawn said.

"No we all will" I said.

I brought my phone out and dialled Tony's number. It rung a couple of times then he picked up.

"Hey kid what's up?" Tony said.

"Hey Tony can I ask you a favour?" I said

"Sure, shoot." Tony said

"Well I need you to do a background check on someone" I said

"Who? And Why?" He said

"Just a new friend of Kelani's and because he looks really suspicious and I don't want her in danger" I said

"Okay understandable." Tony said

"What's his name?" Tony said

"Well I have a picture and a first name but not a last name" I said

"Okay kid send them to me and I'll see what I can find" Tony send

"Thanks Tony" I breathed

"No problem" Then I hanged up.

I sent Tony the picture nd Hunter's name.

The phone was on speaker.

"What now?" Zach said

"Now we wait" I said

Flashback over

"Can I be alone with Kelani for a few minutes?" Hunter said

"No" Jasper (Henry and Charlotte's mate) said

"Why?" "She's my friend" Hunter pleaded.

"Because we don't trust you that's why" T'challa said

"I get it you want to protect her after like you know she's your mate" Hunter said

"After what?" Rhodes said

"I meant because well after all this time you found her but I would never hurt her she's my sou- friend, she's my friend" Hunter said.

"No Tony we don't even know him let alone trust him" Clarck said

"We just can't do it" Billy said

"Friday managed to pull up those things we found. Let's go have a look at them and then we will come straight back." Logan said

"Fine but if we come back and she's dead, missing or hurt even a little bit more, I will make you wish you were dead" Natasha seethed. 

We all walked out and went to the lounge. 

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