Incorrect Quotes #1

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I'm mainly gonna be writing about the "good guys," like Sands, Iantis, Nine, Atlas, Hinalea, Lato.

Also, Sands is my favorite by far. Got the looks and the sarcasm. Real big mystery man

And again, if you didn't read the Webtoon yet, you should. Please. It's called Code Adam by Atterozen.

Anyways, on with the incorrect quotes!

⚠️ Profanity ⚠️

Iantis: Must you always attack me with words?
Sands: Oh, I'm sorry, would you like me to use rocks?

Iantis, to Atlas and Nine: We don't use bad words in this house.
Sands, in the distance: FUCK!

Nine: If I punched myself and it hurts, am I strong or weak?
Lato: Weak.
Iantis: Strong!
Sands: A coward, use a knife.

Hinalea: Why are you like this?
Lato: I used too much No More Tears shampoo as a child and haven't felt a single emotion since then.

Nine: Has anyone ever stopped to wonder why we're still alive?
Iantis: Oh, yeah.
Sands: All the time.
Lato: By all likelihood, we shouldn't be.

Iantis: Honestly, the black part of an Oreo is better than the cream.
Lato: Darkness without light is an abyss, light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.
Sands: Yo Socrates, it's a fucking cookie.

Atlas: You're my best friend, I would do anything for you.
Nine: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
Atlas: Absolutely not.

Nine: Sometimes I wish we had normal people problems.
Atlas: That would be nice.

Nine: I'm quick at math.
Iantis: Okay, what's 38 times 76?
Nine: 24.
Iantis: That wasn't even close.
Nine: But it was quick.

Lato: Why are you smiling?
Hinalea: What? Can't I just be happy?
Sands: Iantis tripped and fell in the parking lot.

Sands: The glass is half empty.
Iantis: I think the glass is half full.
Sands: I think you're full of shit.

Nine: Hey, do you think I could fit fifteen marshmallows in my mouth?
Iantis: You're a hazard to society.
Sands: And a coward. Do twenty.

Sands: I just want to be a caterpillar.
Iantis: Explain?
Sands: Eat a lot, sleep for a while. Wake up beautiful.
Iantis: You know that they have like a lifespan of two weeks right?
Sands: That's another highlight.
Iantis: sANDS NO—

Iantis: What's your blood type?
Sands: How would I know?
Iantis: How would you not?!
Sands: Who am I? Karl Landsteiner discoverer of blood groups?
Iantis: You don't know you're own blood type but you know who discovered them?

Fyra: You need a hobby, Deus.
Deus: I already have a hobby, Fyra.
Fyra: How many times do I have to tell you that stalking Atlas is not counted?

Lato: You're annoying.
Hinalea: But you love me.
Lato: That doesn't make you any less annoying.

Nine: Are you sure you're alright? You didn't get much sleep last night.
Atlas: I got a solid 8 minutes. Not consecutively, but it's fine. You're not even that blurry.

Nine: Hey Atlas, I have a great idea!
Atlas: Those are never comforting words, coming from you.

Iantis: You know, looking back, I have no regrets.
Sands: You should.
Iantis: Probably.

A/N: Just a random thing, but we never really got to see Lato's, Hinalea's, Iantis's, or Sands's backstories as much. Like, we've had snippets, but Atterozen didn't really mention them much so I'm curious.

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