~Messing Up In A Friendly Way~

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Poe-Kun's P.O.V:

"Ready to go?" I mean, what are we going to do? I don't really like leaving closed spaces, while the person in front of me does, I want to please him too... At least Karl is here! "Hey, Ranpo-Kun, so I was wondering if- E-Eh!"

"I need to go get a few stuff from the Detective Agency!" He... He is holding my hand and dragging me behind him, what should I do, is he only doing this because I am too slow for him? I just realized-There are people around! If anyone from The Guild sees us, I'm done for sure! "We're here, Poe-Kun!" Stop saying it so cutely, I don't know if it's on purpose, but I think I'm gonna go all red!

He opened the door and... More people. The tall one with a blonde ponytail suddenly flinched and pulled a gun, "Don't move!" " And, Ranpo-San, what is a former member of The Guild doing here? I demand an explanation."

I was scared, quite scared. If these people weren't related to Ranpo-Kun, I would have pulled the small notebook in my pocket and they would have been trapped there for the rest of their life! Instead, I remembered, he was still holding my hand! I slowly looked down and saw my thinking was accurate. I started stuttering because I was nervous; "Ranpo-kun a-and I a-are not a-anything I'm only h-his rival!" Ranpo-Kun lightly hits me. "Jeez, Poe-Kun cut the stuttering!" Here comes the feeling again. I get very nervous in situations like this. "What are you even saying? I thought you understood my
conditions, so-called ally!" For the first time in my non existent social life, I finally notice he has his eyes open. I wasn't very pleased with the look in them. It felt like a glare.

P.O.V change brought to you by a robot dancing to swing music to protect Paris from aliens: Really? How? How on earth hasn't he noticed? I quickly blink at Dazai, still angry, and quickly run out of the agency, Poe-Kun after me. "I was just trying to help you out, since we are going on a-"

"Don't say it." "You knew I was terrible with these kind of things." Despite his usual appearance, he looked even more pale. "Hey..."
"Shut up!" "You won't even know how bad it hurts to be hated by people this much!
I slap him; ''Stop saying these to yourself, it isn't cool when you do that!''

"That hurts, Ranpo-San." Wait, why the formality?

"You can just call me Edogawa, Ranpo or anything different."

"Don't you know, even my name is literally the Japanese version of yours!"

(Easter egg intensifies)

"Wait, what?"

"That's why I bother or try to annoy you, because I admire you, idiot!"

"Yes, I solve most of your works easily, but I take them all home, to read them without you seeing how much I love them!"

"And the stories, I adore them, so you shut up!"

I reach out my hand to grab his. He immediately pulls back. Of course I lean more into him and manage to get a grip. "You are the smartest idiot I've met in my life, let that sink in." Now, can you help me go to where we were supposed to be going? I might be the best of the best, but I don't know how to locate a simple grocery store."

I could swear I saw a sign of relief in his eyes. I mean, the part that I'm allowed to see.

P.O.V Change, starring the English mock exam I'm in the middle of:

"Ouch!" Doubling the pain in my cheeks, Karl decided it was the best time to bite me. "Ngh." Ranpo-Kun's eyes cracked open once again as if he was thinking of something weird. "What are you staring at?" I ask, the answer wasn't really amazing, I was sure of it. "That noise, you just made, are you okay? You can not hide from me!" I quickly started stuttering; "N-no you got it all w-wrong! I a-am not doing a-anything s-s-sexual! It w-was Karl..! He...He bit me!"

"-I'm going to slap you again if you continue to stutter."


"-Anyways, give me your hand."


"-Just do it."


"-Good, now I won't get lost."

His hand feels like mere ice, is he cold, I wonder. I decide to try warming him up, God, please don't make anything go wrong. I was walking behind him but now, I slowly started to approach his right side. He didn't seem to notice, maybe he is just pretending? Ah, no! I won't be able to handle this tension, it is my fault after all. We walk around for a while. That's when I remembered the time, something around eight p.m. We were late, and maybe a little annoyed at each other. Not the best scenario but not the worst either.

I was nearly forgetting that we were holding hands when he suddenly started to run.

(P.O.V CHANGE AGAIN, TO RANPO :D) (Starring me crying over Hu Tao)

I was running, I sure was, to anywhere I could possibly imagine. With someone  who is dear to me, who is holding my hand. I felt energetic like usual and started laughing silently. Then I fell on the floor, probably the second time today.
It indeed hurt, considering I fell on pure concrete.

I was on top once again, but it was not my fault. A detective can not be guilty. The person below me was staring into my eyes like he was about to die. From excitement? Maybe, maybe he is interested in me, maybe he likes me, maybe he sees me more like a friend rather than a rival. Is it the time to be thinking of something like this? Surely not. Let me see if I can solve this case like the ones I solved with ease. Let me find out about the person that matters the most to me, just like Fukuzawa-San, but this was a little more intense. This person right here, next to me is not someone I could call father, who even has a father that is only two years older than them?

"Get off, please."

"Ah, sure!"

''So, uh, err-''

''Hey, wanna get me some snacks, you sure do!''

''Ah, I guess I can..?''

''Now let's continue what we have started?''

Very poor choice of words, considering the only author who had impressed me being close. Probably the most awkward one one could encounter through their lives, to add.

''I am sincerely wishing for the thing we started is considered going to a grocery store.''

''Then, what are we waiting for?''

''For you to confirm that wish of mine of going to that damned store.''

''My, my talking dirty aren't we?''

''T-the, wait w-wha-''

''You suck at formal speech!''

Word count: 1226

Y'all Poe has social anxiety more than I do as an ENFP and I scream at people-

It's five in the morning and I started this chapter on March!?

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