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Izuku felt different on his fourth birthday but decided not to tell anyone due to a feeling he had. Thus he was then diagnosed as quirkless. As his mother cried into his shoulder about his fate he felt rather disconnected from his emotions, said emotions were unusual sad yet happy, guilty yet smug, it was too confusing so he was rather glad he couldn't feel them that well. It wasn't until he was left alone in his room that he understood.

His freckles suddenly doubled and his hair turned a lighter green as he looked in the mirror. The reason for feeling sad and guilty coming to him, he was sad that he had to lie to his mother and guilty for hiding this miraculous feeling quirk that bubbled beneath his skin. At the same time he felt something else in his mind.

Focusing on the presence in his mind his eyes widened as his hair and eyes shifted to a bright red and his freckles vanishing into inhumanly pale skin. The feeling of happiness and smugness becoming clear to him happy due to the pure freedom he felt in his mind and smug at the fact it was so easy to hide this intense and powerful quirk he could feel in his mind with the light buzzing of the other half in the rest of his body. With this side came incredible understanding of how he truly sees how the world works all the little nuances he missed while living his rather short life so far coming together as many pieces of a puzzle he is still completing.

Heroes may be what this society is built on but he knows it's not all sunshine and rainbows, his mother's reaction to thinking he didn't have a quirk is proof enough. Quirks are clearly all that matter in this society and Izu- no he's not Izuku at least not completely Ukuzi is what he is, and he knows quirks shouldn't matter in the slightest. After all, the couple laws he's noticed constrain quirk use to only Heroes and any use of quirks outside homes are considered against the law. Something Ukuzi finds utterly stupid that's like asking someone to not use their limb but that fact is why quirks shouldn't particularly matter no one but heroes can legally use them. Not that many pay attention to that law anyway especially in children sure they may reprimand a child lightly for using their quirk in public but they won't actually care, Kacchan in particular is proof of this letting loose explosions everywhere he goes without a care in the world and people actually praise him rather than tell him he's not supposed to do that.

Anyway back to Quirklessness which was the reason he came to this train of thought anyway. He knows full well many mostly foolish children who don't pay attention to beginning quirk history in class, will practically lynch him the moment they find out he's quirkless. Again quirks shouldn't matter in the least bit with that stupid law but furthermore everyone seems to forget that everyone was quirkless at one point. Practically everything around them has been around for centuries and they forget this one important fact that all of it was invented by quirkless people. But no the moment he gets back in school he's going to be thought of as useless. He shudders to think of if he was actually quirkless and didn't have this amount of impressive forethought way beyond his years.

He smirked at his reflection as he shifts back to 'normal' Izuku Midoriya and his mind feels like 2 thought processes at the same time. 'Well I'm just going to have to fix that won't I?' He thought with a feeling of determination that isn't as dull as all the other emotion he was feeling.

He startled out of his thoughts upon realizing how dark it had gotten while thinking so intensely and started getting ready for bed. By the time his mother thought to check up on him he was already fast asleep in his bed.

Inko smiled sadly at her son with nothing but self depreciating thoughts in her mind. Blaming herself for being such a weak mother to not be able to gift her son a powerful quirk unknowing that her son had an extremely powerful quirk that he had the forethought to hide for multiple reasons some of which he will be glad to have avoided without knowing later in life.

AN: Finally my thoughts about this fic have managed to get out of my brain. Hopefully the brief analysis of Izuku I'll be posting next will clear up some questions about Izuku in this fic before we continue. This is certainly one of the most complicated fics I've thought of and a fair amount of it will likely reflect how I think such as Izuku feeling like has 2 thought processes at the same time, well try having so many you can't count and can't tell which one your following at one time. And yes that is why I have so many fics it's pretty much having multiple people trying to write different things in one mind, if that isn't pretty much multiple personality disorder I don't know what is. Sorry I rambled this likely going to be a very ramblily fic but I hope you enjoy.

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