Prompt 2: PTSD (Part 1 - Sam)

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TW: Gore warning
(The song just adds more to the creepy factor. You're welcome :))


Ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum-

Screeches rang her ears as she ran. She tried yelling for her friends, but no sound escaped her mouth, only heavy panting escaping. Loud human screams made her skid to a complete stop, a severed head rolling toward her, a blood trail leaking onto the snow. She gasped, feeling acidic bile slowly crawl up her throat. Ashley's face, her expression petrified in horror from what it had seen. Sweet poor Ashley. No, please no...

Ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum-

Sam jumped, inhuman screams sounded off behind her, closer than before. She stumbled past her poor dead friend's head to avoid looking at it any more. Pumping blood roared in her ears and her strained breathing felt like a struggle as she pumped her legs to go faster. Cries of her friend were heard all around her then were cut off and the air was filled with momentary silence before monstrous cries filled that void. She ran past torn bodies and heads, each face having the same look of terror on them. The snow no longer held its pristine white beauty the more she ran... She used to love it... And now it gives her unforgiving and unforgettable memories. 





Oh my god, oh my god-

Ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum-

She heard footsteps behind her. Heavy human footsteps, not any skittering or hissing sounds of those... Things... She skidded to a stop and turned around to only have her face be buried into the person's chest. She recognized the semi-puffy jacket instantly and almost cried in relief.

"Oh my gosh. Chris! I'm so fucking glad it's you. You're not dead. This has to be a dream. Where are the others? Wh-" Sam asked as she looked up, ignoring the weird iron smell coming from the jacket. Her words got caught in her throat when she saw the face... Oh no... Oh dear God no-

Ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum- 

"What do you mean, Sam? Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost or something," Josh said jokingly, wearing Chris's bloodied outer layer jacket. Yet, it didn't look like the Josh that she knows. Not the same face that she and Chris have gently kissed and held every day. This one looks... Disfigured... The scar that ran from his top lip and along his left cheekbone was open and lightly bleeding. His right eye didn't have much of an eyelid either; it continued to widely stare at her.   Both his green eyes were dull... Almost milky. Mismatched fangs protruded from his mouth and a bit beyond that. His mouth was covered in blood, from the looks of it still fresh... Sam tried not to think whose it was. One of his hands reached up to put a comforting hand on her shoulder, the nails looking like sharp claws and dry blood staining the skin. Sam smacked the hand away immediately before it touched her and she saw Josh's fanged mouth frown. 

"What's wrong, Sammy?"  Josh asked, tilting his head a bit in concern as he took a step closer.

"Get away from me. This is a dream. This has to be a dream," Sam said frantically, stumbling away from Josh and hugging her body to keep herself from falling apart. More screams sounded, but this time, they echoed from all directions. The screams sounded both human and inhuman, both of friends she knows and creatures she desperately wanted to forget.

"Are you truly still afraid of me, Samantha?" Josh, growled lowly as he was slowly being surrounded by fog and began to change... Transform... Josh soon became the one thing that everyone feared... The one thing that she feared. 

"You're not real!" She yelled at the creature, her heart pounding so loudly in her ears that she was sure that he/it could hear it. Her eyes stung, but her brain told her it was the snow that made them sting.

"Oh, baby bird... I've never felt so real," The thing Josh growled again, the voice now sounding too similar to the edited voice of The Psycho, the persona Josh used at the Lodge to prank everyone. The creature reared back, screamed loudly and mightily into the air before coming down to attack. A clawed hand jabbed her stomach, it piercing painfully through her. She gasped, teary eyes looking up at the wendigo. Her blood began choking her as she stared, unable to say anything as she felt her life drain from her. 

"This creature has had a good life... Time for it to move on," Was the last thing she heard as the wendigo opened its jaw and went straight for her head.

Sam instantly jolted awake, sitting up, tears streaming down her face and screaming bloody murder. Then she jerked forward for a second, bile burning up her throat, and her body moving faster than she could think, launching herself off the bed. She skidded to the bathroom, turning on the light, and throw open the toilet seat. She heaved into the toilet and spent the next minute doing so. 

Her mother burst into her room, having been awoken by her daughter's screams. Sam was staying with her mother for the week, something Sam has planned to do after the whole Lodge incident. She saw light filter into the room from the bathroom and poked her head inside. There she saw her daughter, who was the strongest mentally and emotionally among her friend group and other colleagues, was curled into herself and sobbing. Sam looked so pale, weak, vulnerable... So terrified. Her mother came over and bent down, reaching a hand to console her child. 

"Get away!" Sam smacked the hand away, eyes widen with pure fear. She soon realized it was her mother and threw herself into her mother's arms, sobbing into her chest. Her mother quickly wrapped her arms around her daughter and held her close. Her mother could hear the soft mutterings coming from the crying Sam, so quiet you could barely hear them. 

"I'm sorry," was the only phrase Sam Giddings said for the rest of the night.

Until Dawn: Chris X ExorJosh(Wendigo Josh) X Sam Oneshots (Discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin