The Weirdo, Girl** On Maple Street

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We got Eleven in Mikes house and sat her on the couch, we gave her a towel cause she was shivering.

She was breathing heavily.

"Is there a number we can call? For your parents?" Asked Mike

"Yeah, I don't think that is a good idea, we weren't supposed to go out in the first place so we will get in even more trouble." I answered Mike

"Yeah, (y/n) is right" He said back

"Where is your hair? Do you have Cancer?" asked Dustin while I gave him a look

"Did you run away?" asked Lucas 

"Probably" I answered

"Are you in some kind of trouble?" asked Mike

"Yes" I whispered so they couldn't hear me

"Is that blood?" asked Lucas and went to touch her but I moved his hand and said:

"Stop it! You're freaking her out!" yeahhh I kinda stole Mikes line, oops.

"She is freaking me out!" He said back

"I bet she is deaf!" said dustin and clapped his hand towards El, when she flinched, 

"Not deaf" said Dustin

"She is in one ear" I whispered to myself knowing Millie Bobby Brown is deaf in one ear

"Ok, ok, that's enough, she is just scared..." started Mike

"...And cold" I finished before Mike went to get some clean clothes.

We heard a loud thunder which scared El so I went over, satinet to her, and gave her a small hug to calm her down.

"Here, these are clean, ok?" Mike said while coming back with the clean clothes handing them over to her.

She dried her face and started to change in front of us

hehehe you lil girl

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no" we all said in unison 

Dustin kept repeating the words "Oh, my god"

"look, over there, that's the bathroom" I said pointing to the bathroom

"Privacy, get it?" said Mike 

El got her clothes and went to the bathroom

Mike washout to go with her when I stopped him.

"Hey, um, I'll go, you know, since I'm a girl too" I said (I am just going to make (y/n) a girl in this but you can read her as a boy if you want)

"Oh, um, ok. That makes sense" he said with a smile

I smiled back and went with El

El went into the bathroom, and looked around

I was about to close the door when she stopped me

"Oh right, you don't want it closed" I said

"No" she said back

"It's nice to hear you speak for the first time" I said back with a smile, well its not the first time but whatever.

"Would you like me to come in thee with you, so I can help, ooooor are you good?" I asked her

"Come in?" she answered while kinda asking

"Ok" I said back with a smile.

I went in, I could still hear the boys talking

In The Series (Stranger Things) Mike Wheeler X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now