The boy loudly squealed, dropping the bottle of perfume in the floor, which luckily didn't break, as everyone else in the store looked at the four of us.

"Sorry." Eric sighed, joking smacking Alex in the chest in response

"Ooh, this one would be cute on you." Nora commented, brining my attention to the bra she was pointing at

"Wow, good find. Actually might work with my uniform." I smiled

"Well, what size do you need?" She asked, before looking at the boys, who were both staring at us, "Or we could just come back later."

"Oh, please. They're just boobs. 32C." I laughed, rolling my eyes at the prying boys

Nora laughed as well, reaching for the bra, as she was taller than me and was easily able to reach it.

"Thanks." I smiled, taking it from her and waving it teasingly in the boys face, before heading to a dressing room

I quickly changed into the bra, twisting around to see how it would look, "Nora, come tell me what you think."

She peaked her head through the curtain, instantly smiling, "Wow, I really do have great taste. I would hurry up and change before one of the boys tries to bust in here."

I laughed, quickly changing out of the bra and rushing to go check out.

"Okay, those sneakers aren't gonna buy themselves. Off we go." Eric teased, leading Nora and I out of the store

"Man, I can't wait to check them out. They're so much better than last year's." Alex agreed, as they walked ahead of us to lead us to the store

"Maybe we can look at some of the mid-blazers." I suggested to Nora, as the boys sprinted to the stand with the new shoes

"Trust me, I don't need anymore shoes than I already have." Nora laughed, admiring the shoe she had just picked up

"You know, I think you maybe the first real girl friend I've ever had. It's nice." I smiled

"Being around Alex all day, I can see how that would be a relief. All the girls I hang out with are mostly fake bitches. So, I'm glad Alex's ex-girlfriend is so cool." She replied, making me laugh

I glanced over at the boys, squealing like a couple of girls as they both tried on a pair of the new sneakers

"Well, I'd say the boys are getting along." I nodded, making her laugh as she watched them

"Can I ask you something? It's kind of personal." Nora questioned, with an embarrassed look

"Okay." I agreed

"How much do you know about sex?" She bluntly asked

I quickly dropped the shoe I was fumbling with, before bending down the pick it back up, "Well, I mean I'm a virgin, but I took the school classes...and I've seen porn before. But zero experience."

"It's just my parents are super religious, so I don't know a ton about it via the Internet. If I'm being honest, I just wanted to know if Alex had any experience." She admitted

MISFIT ❁ ALEX ALVAREZWhere stories live. Discover now