Chapter twenty-eight

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You, Blaise and Draco woke up and got ready to get to lessons. "So Blaise what have you got first?"
"Erm possibly potions I'm not sure. What about you two love birds?" He giggled
"haha very funny. I don't know actually, I think I've got divination. What about you Draco? Wait let me guess.. transfiguration?"
"Ha no good guess I've got charms." He said "Oh okay see you in DADA!" You said as you were walking to Divination.

The day passed and it was now later in the evening. You went to go see Harry, Hermione and Ron but Ron wasn't there. They were planning on going to the library so you went with them. "Are you coming to the library with us?" Harry asked "Uh yes I'll come." Harry and Hermione were talking about who they we're going to the party with, which was later on, but you were gazing off into your own thoughts.

"You see that girl over there? That's Romilda Vane. Apparently she's trying to smuggle you a love potion." Hermione whispered "really?!" You and Harry said. Hermione clicked in Harry's face then said "Hey! She's only interested in you because she thinks your the chosen one!" "But I am the chosen one." Hermione bashed Harry across the head with the piece of paper she was holding "k sorry.. um kidding. But erm I'll ask someone I like. Someone cool." Harry said "Who exactly will that be Harry?" You said "it's a surprise"
"oh okay then." You walked back to Draco and Blaise.

"So Harry and Hermione are going to Slughorns Christmas party are you coming? Christmas was only two days ago!" You said to Draco and blaise. They both looked at you as if you said you didn't know you were born on your birthday "What?!" They said at the same time "are you going to the slughorns party?" You repeated "No, obviously not." They both said "ok then I won't" you said as you were walking back to the common room "Draco? Where are you going?" You asked
"For a walk" "oh! I'll come" you said excitedly "no. You stay with Blaise."
"Draco! I'm sick of you lying to me! It's every day! Why cant you just be honest? I'm your girlfriend!"
"I..I can't-" he whined
"maybe I'm not so much a girlfriend to you. I think I'm going to take a break.." "what?! What do you mean y/n? Don't break up with me!" "I'm sorry Draco but I'm breaking up with you until you realise that you can be honest with me!"
"Y/n please.." Draco whimpered "no" you said as you walked off holding your tears back.

"Y/n don't worry about it, take a break and hopefully he'll start being honest" blaise said "thanks Blaise" "Y/n are you okay?" Pansy said from the corner, you looked at her and realised that you got rid of your best friend. You ran up to her and hugged her "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of done or said anything I said!" "No no it's okay y/n I was the bitch trying to steal your boyfriend.. I'm sorry. Now what's wrong?" Pansy replied "me and Draco broke up because he kept lying to me and I was sick of it so I broke it off until he realises that he should be honest with his.. girlfriend.."
"ohh noo maybe it's for the best? Why don't you get some sleep and you can come for a walk with me in the morning?"
"Yeah that's a good idea." You said going to bed. "Night" you said "night y/n" pansy said.

The morning after-
You woke up feeling happy and fresh but the thought soon came to your head, Draco. You already started to miss Draco and it hadn't even been a day. You got out of bed and went round the corner to go to toilet. You walked in there to see Draco stood in a white towel wrapped around his waist with his silky blonde hair dripping on the floor. Your mouth dropped and you quickly turned around covering your eyes. "Is there something wrong darling?"
"" you stuttered as you turned around again to talk to him. "I think there is.. is it my hair dripping on the floor or is my towel around my waist.." Draco teased. "Draco you can't do this! I'm not your girlfriend anymore!" You said. "Oh that's a shame for you but you'll always be mine" he teased again. You pushed him against the wall and whispered in his ear "I may be yours but you've got to get me back if you want me so badly" and walked away. "Oi princess turn around." You turned around to see Draco's towel on the floor and him leaning against the door frame. "OH MY GOD DRACO! Get it in your head.. I'm not your girlfriend and I can't see that!"
"Well get used to it" Draco said
"ugh your a git" you said angrily "I know"

You walked back to your bed to get changed. You took your pj top off and and you were about to put your bra on when you saw Draco in your mirror stood staring at you "like the view Draco?" "Of course darling" "well it's a shame it's not yours anymore is it?" You heard his foot steps coming up behind you. "Draco I broke up with you for a reason and I'm keeping it that way until you be HONEST with me so stop trying to tease me and leave me alone to get changed!" "You were being serious?" "Of course I was why would I be joking?" You replied "well because I thought you loved me!" "I.. I do but you weren't being honest with me Draco!" You said "fine!" Draco yelled walking back into the bathroom.

"Y/n are you ready?" Pansy said "yes! I'm nearly ready just let me put my shoes on!" You shouted. A couple of minutes later you were ready and went on the walk. "What took you so long to get ready?" "Er Draco was talking to me"
"oh what was he saying" "he was just talking to me that's all. What have you been doing recently then?"
"Oh ok, nothing really just school and hanging out with Daphne what about you?" "Cool, I've been hanging out with Draco and Blaise then school" she said

The next morning-
You woke up and got changed ready for the school day. You went to the great hall on your own and ate your breakfast. Draco was sat further down the table alone. "I feel so bad maybe I should go talk to him?" You said
"It's up to you y/n." Pansy replied
You walked up to Draco "hey are you okay?"
His face lightened up "does I look it? You left me y/n and you were the only thing I had. So no I'm not but you can sit back down with your friends." He blurted
"I'm really sorry Draco I just need time. Please don't blame this on me, I just want you to be honest. I still love you, I really do, but I've got to do this." You said holding his hands
"I'm sorry for being such a disappointment!"
"WHAT?! Draco you're no disappointment I promise, I would give anything to marry you. I love you. Don't ever say that again!" You said getting up. You walked back to the others and blew him a kiss.

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