Chapter 24 - The Patronus Charm

Start from the beginning

"And I was trying to save you. Remind me not to do that, then" I rolled my eyes at him.

We came out of the tree and reached the grounds. Hermione and I were sitting with Ron, while Harry was talking to Sirius. I was hating to be the third wheel between these two loveable idiots, who didn't realize it yet!

"It looks painful" said Hermione looking at the wound.

"Really painful, they might have to chop it off!" replied Ron. I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"I'm sure, Madam Pomfrey would fix it in a heartbeat" Hermione said reassuring Ron.

"I reckon it's too late; they'll chop it. It's ruined" he cried

"Oh, stop you, big baby, it's not ruined and neither is it too late, I'll put a spell so that you feel the pain less" I said, pointing my wand at him.

Soon Professor Lupin pulled Peter out and he grabbed Ron, "Ron, I was your rat, don't send me off to the dementors. They'll perform the kiss"

He looked at me and said, "I know you can do it, my lady"

My lady? Like what? I thought to myself. Why was he calling me 'my lady'? Before I could ask him, Professor Lupin pulled him away from me and said, "Get away from her"

"Harry!" Hermione shouted pointing at the moon, Sirius ran to him and asked if he was talking his potions and medicines and soon Professor Lupin turned into an angry werewolf! Peter escaped and Snape came in front of us, I had already seen the werewolf, but not Snape, I pushed him to the side, protecting him from the werewolf. But he attacked me, Snape and I fell on one side and Harry, Hermione and Ron on the other side.

"Are – are you okay, Olivia?" he asked me. "Yes, Professor" But I wasn't my shoulder was bleeding, Lupin had plunged his nails in me. My eyes were teary, from the wound. "How can you be so foolish, my child?" he asked looking at me.

Sirius came from the other side, protecting us from another attack. Snape quickly got up and stood in front us, hiding us behind him. They fought, biting and clawing each other, until Lupin was diverted in other direction by the cries of his own kind. Harry ran behind them.

"Harry, no!" I shouted and tried going after him, but Snape quickly caught my arms. "Come back here, Potter!" Snape said angrily. Snape had held me before I could hit the ground and lose consciousness.

Harry, Ron and I were soon taken to the hospital. I hadn't recovered from my wound. I heard few muffled voices and few words while I was unconscious. 'three times' 'time'. I fluttered by eyes open to see Draco sleeping on the right side of my bed, with his hand in mine and Ron was asleep. Harry and Hermione were not to be seen anywhere. I tried to get up and my movement made Draco wake up.

"You're okay" he said hugging me.

"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" I asked tried to pull away from his hug, before he could say anything, I heard a werewolf and everything that happened came back to me. I reckon that they both would've used Hermione's time turner to go back in time and save Sirius.

"I have to go" I said to Draco, before he could say anything to me.

"Go? Where? I'm not letting you go anywhere!" he said trying to push me back on the bed.

"Malfoy, please, you have to understand" I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Argh!" he groaned pacing beside my bed. "Fine, I'm coming with you"

"Draco, I cannot risk your life"

"It's with me or nothing" he said sternly.

"Fine. No questions then, whatsoever. Not now, not later, not ever" I said pointing my finger at him, making myself clear and he nodded.

I quickly pulled my time turner out, that Mrs. Malfoy gave me during Christmas, that belonged to my mother, laced it around our hands and turned it three times, hoping it would be correct.

I quickly apparated with Draco to the forest, Hermione and Harry nowhere to be seen. "Where did you learn to apparate?" Draco asked me. I gave him a look and ignored him. I think he took the message.

I saw Lupin almost attacking Harry, Draco made the werewolf sound. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "Saving Potter! What do you think?" he replied in a 'duh' tone.

"Great, now he's coming for us!" he said "Yeah, didn't think it through now did you?" I said, rolling my eyes. We ran towards the lake, where Harry was found, Lupin behind us. Draco and I were holding hands and running, him ahead of me, pulling me.

"It's Lupin, isn't he?" asked Draco, I nodded. "Are-are you ok?" 

"Yes, it's going to be fine, we have to be quick", I said looking behind with the werewolf getting close. I tripped and fell, "Draco, go! Find Harry and Hermione, they should be near here, somewhere"

"What and leave you alone?" he said coming closer to me. I could feel Professor Lupin coming near us, Draco came in front of me, so that the werewolf could attack him, before me. But before he could attack, Buckbeak came and saved Draco, well us

Buckbeak is alive? Harry and Hermione would've saved him. He kept fighting and diverted the werewolf from us. I quickly got up and dragged Draco near the lake. I knew Sirius and Harry would've been there. The dementors were on them.

I stood with my wand up and shouted, "Expecto Patronum", a huge silver-blue light emerged from my wand and one by one all the dementors went away. I was already weak, I collapsed to the ground.

Harry's POV

Everything around us didn't make any sense, of course we used the time turner and we were exactly where we should be but everything that should've been saved by us, like we had planned was already done by someone. We were mere seconds late. Then I saw a huge silver-blue light near the lake where Sirius and I were there, I was trying to fight off the dementors.

Hermione and I quickly ran there and saw Olivia fighting the dementors with Malfoy. Malfoy was standing there holding her. What was Malfoy doing here? After all the dementors were vanished, we ran to her. She was in Malfoy's arms, unconscious. I hated it. But she was more important.

"Darling?" Malfoy cried, lightly slapping her cheeks. Darling? A lot of thoughts were running my mind. She was not waking up.

"Malfoy, she's just unconscious. She used the time turner, didn't she? Take her to the Hospital, right now, at this time we had just left the hospital, careful, if you are even a second late, awful things would happen and after you place her, go back to your dorm, please, just this once, listen to what I say, for her sake, please" Hermione said to Malfoy.

"Hermione, we can do that. I don't trust-" I said taking Olivia's hand.

"No, we need to save Sirius. She'll be fine, I promise. Now hurry, we don't have much time" Hermione said pulling me up from Liv.

Malfoy carried her in his arms and ran towards the castle and we ran towards Buckbeak.

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