petals (ANGST)

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Ship: George x dream

Side ships(slight): George x Sapnap

Warnings: hanahaki disease, blood mentions, unrequited love, death, suicide.

A/N: slightly shorter story


Hanahaki disease,

A disease that has randomly appeared on the face of the earth, striking up upon millions of human deaths every year. When the disease first came out, scientists have never seen a disease so deadly yet so magnificent. Researching on how and why such things appear on humans. It was a hard year for everyone, no matter how much they hid inside their homes to prevent themselves to get 'infected', nothing seemed to work.

As the years go by, they had finally known the answers as to why it happened. It is said that a person with unrequited love or in a simpler term, one-sided love, where a person who loves someone that doesn't have the same emotional feeling towards them. This type of person will cough out blood and mostly flowers that will begin to render/grow in their respiratory system.

There was no cure to this disease, no other way to make it stop. Everyone shutting themselves in their abode to prevent falling in love as the others accepted the fate that has befallen them. The only thing that can help to stop this, however, whether it's permanent or temporary is to have the person with this disease confess their love to the other with one condition.

The other has to respond with "I love you too"
Although there were some questions that they could not explain or give an answer to like for example, why some people that have unrequited love don't get affected or why the flowers had different colors for everyone.

....and that was the case with dream, he had fallen in love with his best friend, George. But, he liked someone else, and that someone else was also his dear friend named sapnap. Of course, dream doesn't give too much thought to this, if George was happy to like sapnap then so was he. Dream knew how it felt to love someone, like the way he loved George so he just let him go out of his grasp. Letting George try to get together with sapnap.

But he can't stop feeling hurt, not only in his heart but his lungs. Dream knew exactly why and he did not like it.

"Hey George, free?" Dream asked, fidgeting with his fingers. Both of them sitting on the floor, they were playing Mario kart, taking a break from Minecraft for a while.

"Oh, sorry dream, I'm going out with know how much this means to me right?" He replied, putting down his controller to look at the other, brows furrowed.

"It's fine George, this must be a big thing for you!"

"I knew you'd believe in me" the brown-haired man hugged the blonde. Dream hesitating to hug back but alas, he squeezed the other softly. He knew this was a bad idea, hugging him back was a bad idea. Dream had to move on but his heart was content to stay. Not bothering to move away from the strong emotions he felt for George. He knew that the more you dwelled on your feelings, the worse the pain gets.

The green man knew that, but he decided that it's for the best. He was not going to live long anyway, so it was better to live your love life to its fullest. Dream already fighting back the blood that is striving to spill out from his mouth, petals of flowers tickling his throat that emerged from his breathing organs. Letting his grasp away from George, standing up and excused to the toilet to dump.

Which was a lie, but George didn't know that. He only continued to play the games that appeared on the screen, oblivious to the agonizing pain dream withheld inside the bloody restroom. The once clean and smooth white tiles are now littered with glowing mixes of blue and green flower petals covered with thick red liquid. Clear salty water also threatened to drop onto the floor from dream's eyes. The only liquid that was pure before getting stained from the suffering that flooded below.

Months have passed and it only got worse. The reason behind why dream was still standing up on his two feet was unidentifiable. The freckled man was certainly in a lot of discomforts but still managed to assist the man that caused it, the man that he loved, to be with another person. Boosting George's confidence to ask Sapnap out on a date. Even though the petals that surged in his lungs blocked his breathing, Dream wanted to be there for George.

Then when the day finally came, where George finally took ahold of the love of his life around his arms, dream will take his own life around a rope. There was nothing left for him in this world, he already got what he wanted. George was happy and that also made him happy. Although he did not get to make the man love him back, it was worthless to try as it would turn out to be love out of pity. Nonetheless, even if he did decide to stay, dream would have to live with millions of knives stabbing him in every limb especially his heart.

So with a note and a jump from the stool. Dream was found lifelessly hanging from the ceiling. A hurtful smile plastered on his face as flowers surrounded him, from the floors to the walls. The sun still shone brightly on that day, the leaves swaying left to right by the wind. Particles were visible by the rays that hit the curtains inside the place where dream died.

It was indeed, a beautiful yet tragic death.


967 words

A/N: School really hydrates all of the ideas out of my brain and im losing all of it.

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