Fred Weasley Imagine

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WARNING: Swearing

    You were eating your breakfast in the great hall when you spotted something appear on your plate. Great, a puking pastry. You absolutely hated those. You looked around for the culprit(s) and almost immediatley found them. Fred and George Weasley, the pranksters of your year. You sighed. They had no idea who you were, but everyone who's anyone knows them. You were just a normal pureblood, but thought nothing of bloodstatus. You rolled your eyes and picked up the puking pastry, walking over to the troublesome twins. "Hello," you said to them, and they looked up from their food and gave you odd looks.

     You just now realized that Fred Weasley, yes, you could tell the difference, was much hotter than his twin. You shook the thought out of your head and dropped the pastry into Fred's lap. "I do believe that this belongs to you," you turned around after saying that and went to advanced potions, leaving the twins gaping behind you. You rolled your eyes once again. Boys, sigh.

     You were three minutes early for advanced potions and everyone else usually came in at the last minute so only two seats were occupied. You walked to a seat in the back of the classroom and took out your books. You waited three minutes and everyone came coming in, but two seats were empty. One next to you, and the other next to Angelina Johnson. You knew this would happen. The only reason anyone ever sat next to you was because they had to and usually they made you do all the work in group projects. At the very last minute the devils themselves came running into the classroom. Yes, Fred and George were in advanced potions. You sighed. One of them would probably ask Angelina to sit next to you so they could sit together. Angelina absolutely hated you and always looked like she wanted to rip your throat out.

     "Hey," you were pulled out of your trance by Fred's voice.

     "Yes?" you asked.

     "Can I sit here?" he asked. You nodded and moved your books further to the side so he had room for his. "I'm George Weasley," he held out his hand and you had to make an odd face to keep from laughing.

     "No you aren't, you must be Fred, the notorious prankster," you smirked at his dumbfounded face. "I'm (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)," you introduced yourself and shook his hand. Then the doors slammed open and Severus Snape came into the classroom.

     "I expect that you are all here to learn, correct?" his monotonous voice called out. We all nodded except for a few kids who already looked like they were about to fall asleep. "Now, today you shall be doing a group project to explain the benefits of arsnake root, I will asign the partners," Everyone except you groaned. You didn't mind, it's not like you had many friends. Snape started calling out names. He came around to your name. "F. Weasley and (Y/L/N)," he called out. You and Fred exchanged a look.

     At least it isn't Johnson. You thought. You were actually starting to like Fred. Once Snape was done calling out names he dismissed the class, giving us time to decide when to study and stuff like that. You sighed and stood up, getting ready to leave, when Fred grabbed your arm.

     "Where are you going?" he asked.

     "To my next class," you replied simply.

     "But we need a study place and time," he reasoned. You were shocked that he would actually do work.

     "Usually people just make me do all the work," you muttered.

     "Not this time," Fred said. You sighed. "Library, six O'clock, right after dinner," Fred told you and walked off.

     The rest of the day went by quickly. You had herbology, transfiguration, and a private lesson with Dumbledore that you had every Wednesday to help control the fact that you were a Medamorphamagus. Yes, you were a Medamorphamagus. It was already six O'clock and you were waiting in the library. You couldn't believe it, but your hair turned blue in excitement. You were excited about doing a group project with Fred Weasley? Then you realized it, you had a crush on the prankster. Your hair turned a deep shade of purple.

     "Wow!" You heard a voice exclaim behind you, and you turned around to see Fred standing there looking at you with wide eyes. "You're a medamorphamagus!" he exclaimed. Your hair turned red in embarrasment. "No need to be embarrassed about it! It's so cool!" he exclaimed. Your hair was that deep shade of purple again. "What does that color mean?" he asked. Good, he didn't know what it meant.

     "Nothing," you said quickly, then stuck your head in the book and started to take down notes. Fred pulled the book out of your hands. You groaned. "Give it back!" you whined.

     "Not until you tell me what it means," Fred had a cheeky smirk on his face. God you loved that smirk. Realizing what you had just thought, your cheeks turned a pale shade pink. Great, now you were blushing. "No way," Fred gasped. You looked at him, tilting your head in confusion. Then realized what book he had in his left hand. A guide to a medamorphamagus. Shit. He knew that deep purple meant love. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. Then he smirked again. He took your hand and stood up, starting to drag you out of the castle.

     "Fred Weasley don't you dare throw me in the black lake!" you exclaimed. He sighed, seeming to be annoyed. You once again tilted your head in confusion. Then Fred put his arms around your waist and pulled you close to his chest.

     "I think I might feel the same way," he said, leaning in. You leaned in as well, and soon your lips were connected.

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