Another tag ^v^

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(Not really) tagged by: ultimatedancer11037

I, again, wasn't really tagged by her but I asked her if I could do the tag (coz im bored) and she said yes owo

Now on with le tag!!!

Now on with le tag!!!

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1. Hair color


2. Real name or first letter of it (required)

-No one really reads this other than my friends who know my name so... My real name is Ameera! And I only have this one name that I really love! And tbh, I chose the name 'Mirai' to represent my persona coz it has my nickname in the name! Also because I love the meaning 'Mirai'. It means 'Future' :33 (I got a lil off topic but ehh)

3. Eye color

-Brown! Dark brown to be exact!

4. Face reveal


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(Fun fact: I didnt know I had to copy this first and then edit now I cant undo this and it will be like this forever and this is one of my fav pics in my digi cam god dammit-)

5. Do you accept any ship with you as 'could be canon'?

-HAHAHAHAHAH no- *glaresatmyfriendwhoshipsmewithmyodcrushthatinowhate*

6. A wattpad secret

-Non. I have non-

7. One of the most embarrassing moments in ur life (that can be shared ofc)

-I... have no idea actually coz I don't really keep up with my stupidity and crap--

8. Any siblings?

-Yep. One annoying pain in the butt butt (pun intended) cute lil bro.

9. Any crushes

-Yes. And none of them exists. No one irl wants me anyways-

10. Anything tragic in your life (u can call it tragic as long as its a lil sad)

-Yes. Anime bois doesn't exists and im sad- :'D

Ok I admit. Nothing really tragic happened in my life... Other than... Never mind ^^'

11. What would you name urself if you were born a different gender

-Amirul. Coz its like, a male version of my name, Ameera XD

12. Any of your best friend irl that knows a lot of ur secrets

-I tell the majority of my friend group my so called 'secrets'. I'm not that all secretive when it comes to my friends actually ^^''

13. Any online friends that knows ur secrets

-No not really...? Idk.. My 'online' friend that knows my secret also knows me irl sooo..

14. Hobbies

-Drawing, reading, learning how to play a guitar with the power of youtube and failing, yeeting, typing/writing and yeeting.

Did i mentioned yeeting? And also yeeting.

15. 5 things that fascinated you

-Instruments! Musical instruments!! I love the music made with em and I've always wanted to learn all of em! Especially the violin coz I've never played or TOUCH the instrumet.

-A tablet. A drawing tablet and iPad (tablet) coz I've always wanted to use one to draw digitally but my dad's said its a waste of money if u just buy it for fun like that-

-Pen tablet. I. Want. One-

-How everything was made. Like, take a paper for example. I wanna know how paper was made, the process of making paper etc.. I've always been fascinated by that.

-(Muslims might understand this sorry if you don't--) Ka'bah. I wanna know the feeling of looking at the Ka'bah literally in front of you. Nak sangat tahu (T/N: I really wanna know). They say it's, like, breath-taking..? Idk. And I wanna know more. Really.

16. Taggies!

-nbfioxzfhnevk this is the annoying part but ehh--



Imagine_Book_04 (I bet u already did this one or at least someone else tagged u right-?)





hol0_gl1tch (sorry if u already did this or someone else tagged you before-)


(random taggies coz eh, why not? owo)

Yeet now s u f f e r-

Yeet now s u f f e r-

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I'm sorry-


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