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They caught sight of her staring and flashed identical grins followed by a wink. Y/N blushed and looked away quickly.

"Alright Percy," came a voice. "Go on."

A tall boy with freckles and glasses walked in front of the wall separating Platform 9 and 10, he took a deep breath and ran right through the wall before he disappeared.

Y/N gasped, her eyes widening excitedly. She grabbed her dad's shoulder and forced him down to her level, their cheeks pressed against each other.

"No way," the eleven-year-old gaped. "Where'd he go?"

"Your about to find out, go on." said Joseph, smiling encouragingly. He gave her a small pat on the back.

Y/N hesitated, the boy didn't bump into the wall, she'll be fine. She gripped onto her cart but before she could decide she heard bickering.

"Fred you next,"

Y/N dared herself to look, just in case the twins caught sight of her again. However, this time she saw a plump woman with a kind face, indicating to one of her sons.

"He's not Fred! I am!"

"Honestly woman you call yourself our mother,"

"Oh," the woman sighed, looking disappointed in herself. "Sorry George."

One of the twins flashed a grin and ran over to her. He stopped right in front of her and, "I'm only joking! I am Fred!"

Before his mother could respond, Fred had ran through the wall at full speed, his twin following excitedly. They vanished and Y/N had made up her mind, she was going to run full speed at the wall.

"Oh I always get excited when I run through that wall!" Joseph exclaimed like a small child. Y/N laughed.

The woman's eyes scanned the station, looking pleased at the fact that no one had seen them. Finally, her eyes landed on Y/N who turned pink. "Oh dear, I apologize for cutting in front of you, I didn't see you."

"Don't worry about it," Y/N smiled. "We're in no rush."

The woman smiled, staring into her eyes closely. She furrowed her eyebrows before she looked around again and gasped, "Joseph?!"

"Molly," Joseph smiled, as the woman embraced him in a hug which resulted in him being bent down to meet her level. Y/N sniggered and he shot her a look. She made a gesture and pretended to zip her mouth.

"I haven't seen you in years! How've you been?"

"Not so bad, not so bad," Joseph shrugged.

Y/N blocked out the voices as she looked around the station in search for a clock. She found it and realized it was 10:45. She was supposed to be on board by 11:00.

Y/N took a shaky breath, she hated being late anywhere she goes, she shifted her feet, ready to run into the wall whether her dad was with her or not. However, once she turned to face the two adults she took aback as Molly had her hand in Joseph's cheek, looking at him sadly.

"Don't blame yourself —"

"Molly," Joseph whispered hurriedly as he realized his daughter was watching them. "Not in front of Y/N. She doesn't know —"

"What do you mean she doesn't know!" Molly shouted that Y/N and Joseph blinked in surprise. "She should —!"

Y/N found the sight of a middle aged woman telling off her father funny, yet she was confused. She looked around the station and saw a few Muggle staring at them as if they had gone mad, Joseph looked like he would much rather jump into the tracks and get run over by the first train he sees.

Stolen Hearts (Harry Potter x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum