Untitled Part 5

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I find myself back at Mallory Square way before the sun sets. I watch people pull their carts onto the strip. The lady with the jewelry cart is the first one to set up shop. My skin crawls as Batman comes stumbling into view. It's hard to tell from here, if it is the same man that tried to still my bag, but how many Batman's can there be? My seat on the concrete column, keeps me out of view. Two men dressed like pirates come walking through the small crowd already beginning to gather, quoting something, maybe from a book—something I have never heard.

Quickly the strip fills up, like ants to a piece of candy. Jacob still hasn't come. His spot was empty up until now. A man with two cats takes the spot. A couple of people watch as he sets up his show. Both he and the cats look like they are starving. I watch everyone closely. The travelers all laughing and enjoying each other. The sun setting is just as beautiful as it was yesterday, maybe more tonight from this view. Just like last night the crowd begins to thin out. Shark is the first to close up and leave. None of them seemed to do very well, minus Shark. I guess everyone loves a drink in a pineapple.

Climbing down from the column. I start walking towards the pier behind the AIDS memorial. It will take me hours to get there. I should have started this walk instead of staying at the Square. The marble map looks different at night. Lights shine all over it, bringing colors to life I didn't see in the day time. The gems embedded in each country send sparkling lights all over the place. As I look closer, I realize the gems are sending a light over the sand just behind it. However, it isn't random at all. It looks like a blue and red arrow, pointing towards the ocean. "Yeah, right." I whisper, it has to be a coincidence.

I have been here for over twenty four hours and haven't been to the sand yet. Part curiosity and part because I have nowhere else I have to be, I head down towards the sand, following the arrow. Taking off the boots, Zoe gave me, I am amazed at how cool the sand is between my toes.

As I reach the ocean, I look around. Minus a few people, I don't see anything. Shaking my head, I whisper to myself, "What did you think you were going to find?" Plopping down in the sand, I use my saddle bag as a pillow. The stars take my breath away. I reach toward them, with my hand above me, it almost seems as if I can touch them.

"I knew you were smart but I didn't think you were this smart." Jade's voice had me jerking towards her. Not really wanting to deal with her and her secrets, I look back to the stars without responding. "You don't talk much do you?" Jade sat beside me, in the sand. "You saw the arrow didn't you?"

That has me looking at her. "What arrow?" I ask.

"Oh you know what arrow. Don't you want to know where it points to?" Jade knows I am curious, really curious.

"Yeah, I do."

"Come on." Jade stands, swiping at the sand on her butt and legs. I think to tell her to leave me alone, but my curiosity wins. Standing, I imitate Jade, swiping at the fine sand, and follow her. Even as dark as it is, I can see her fire red hair flowing in the wind. She almost looks supernatural, with her skirt flowing around her legs.

We walk behind a pile of rocks that separate one beach from the other. "Where are you going?" I ask, not too willing to climb over huge rocks, to what looks like straight into the ocean.

"Just follow me, and watch your step." Jade steps on certain rocks, I can tell it's not random. Standing on these rocks, I really feel like I am on the edge of the world. Waves hit the bottom of the rocks splashing water over my head, against the rocks beside me.

"How deep do you think this water is?" I ask feeling unstable as the waves mess with my balance.

"Some say it never ends." The wind carries Jade's voice back to me and it sounds as if she is miles away instead of only feet.

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