"The safety of our Realm is no jest." Thor stated matter-of-factly

There was a short, tense pause before Thor spoke the 4 words that turned everything downhill

"We're going to Jotunheim."

There was another tense pause as the warriors begun to believe this to be a joke

"What?" Volstagg Laughed

Aria just stared at her eldest brother in disbelief, not believing his recklessness had pushed him to go this far

"Thor, of all the laws of Asgard, this is one you must not break." Sif stated

Aria looked to her raven haired brother to see any reaction to find that Loki looked on, intrigued by the proceedings.

"This isn't like a journey to Earth, where you summon a little lightning and thunder and the mortals worship you as a god. This is Jotunheim." Fandral stated as he took steps closer to Thor

"And if the Frost Giants don't kill you, your Father will!" Volstagg shouted enticing a quiet 'no he wouldn't' from Aria and Loki

"My father fought his way into Jotunheim," Thor began causing Loki and Arias eyes to meet momentarily before closing as they shook their heads. Both siblings facepalmed at their eldest brother's words, the duo being so done with this whole situation as Thor rambled on "defeated their armies, and took their Casket! We'd just be looking for answers."

"It is forbidden!" Sif states with authority, desperately trying to change the Princes mind

Thor sizes up his friends, and smiles. He proceeds to make his case with enthusiasm and charismatic conviction to which Aria desperately wanted to feed her brother to her fathers ravens for attempting to get not only himself, but his friends and family killed.

"My friends, have you forgotten all that we've done together?" Thor asks as he saunters through the piles of pumpkin, empty goblets and now- shattered plated on the way to his allies

"Fandral! Hogan! Who led you into the most glorious of battles?" he asked rhetorically

Hogan sighed as he looked to the floor and smirked

"You did." he smirked

"And Volstagg to delicacies so succulent, you thought you'd died and gone to Valhalla?" he asks the Volstagg who was piling up different foods on a platter

Volstagg laughed softly before a small pause

"You did."

"Yes!" Thor exclaimed as he pat Volstagg on the shoulder before moving towards his sister and her best friend

"And who proved wrong all who scoffed at the idea that a young maiden and our Princess of Asgard could be two of the fiercest warriors this Realm has ever known?" he asked expectantly

The two best friends shared a look before responding with confidence "We did"

Thor stared at them for a moment with a broad smile across his face

"True. But I supported you both..." he stated as he darted his pointer finger between the girls, enticing a smug smile from the both of them

"My friends," Thor started as he turned to face the latter "we're going to Jotunheim."

The warriors exchanged concerned looks as they realized there's no convincing him

"Come on. You're not going to let my brother and me take all the glory, are you?" Thor asked causing a startled look to pass Loki's features

"What?" he asked slightly dazed from the announcement

"you are coming with me..." Thor half-asked expectantly

"Yes, of course! I won't let my brother march into Jotunheim alone. I will be at his side." Loki stated as he clapped a hand over his brothers shoulder

"And I." Volstagg stated

"And I." Sif and Fandral chorused

"And I. The Warriors Three fight together." Hogun stated

There was a small silence before everyone turned to face the princess who was grinning in disbelief with an eyebrow cocked at her friends

"Aria?" Thor asked with a broad smile knowing very well she would agree

"By Odin's beard" Aria muttered as she looked down to the floor with a grin spread across her features "There's no stopping you, is there?" she asked her eldest brother

"You and I both know the answer to that question sister" Thor grinned

Loki looked between his two siblings as a pang of jealousy rang through his chest

"Well then," Aria started "someone has to keep you fools out of trouble" she laughed as she pointed between her brothers and then her friends. they all grinned "to the Bifrost!" Aria exclaimed as she flung her arms in the air, enticing a proud and happy smile to spread across Thor's face

"I fear we'll live to regret this." Sif muttered under her breath as they walked through the halls towards the stables

Aria scoffed playfully as she bumped Sif's shoulder "If we're lucky"

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