The first of our legacies.

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Your full name is Y/n Sophia Lestrange. (Bellatrix Lestrange is not a person). Rodolphus Lestrange is your dad and married your Mum. Your mum is pregnant with your little sister and brother (twins). Your 21 birthday is in a few days. You like Draco a little and he likes you little.

{Part one}
"Morning Darling" My mum said coming inside of my room. "Morning mum" I say getting up from my bed and making it. "Y/n today we will be going to the Malfoy Manor, since we haven't seen them since you were in your last year at Hogwarts." My mum said bring my suit case up to my room and placing it on my bed.

"Now we will be staying there for a very much long time and Eva is coming to the dinner party tonight." My mum said closing my door and leaving. "Ugh why Eva she been trying to get me and Draco apart since first year." I say going down stairs. "Well sometimes you have to give someone and second chance." My dad said. "Well dad remember when you had this one friend that you knew since you were little and wasn't that j-" I say but then my dad cuts me off and said, "Hey, hey, hey we don't talk about him." My dad said. "Okay whatever you say." I say.

We finish eating and I head upstairs as start packing. I put all my favorite shirt, pants and, dress. When I finish packing I take a shower, brush my teeth and, change. I put on my classic black crop top and ripped jeans.
"COME ON Y/N WERE LEAVING!" My mum said screaming. "COMING" I said screaming back. I get my suitcase and head down stairs not forgetting my phone. (You can use your phone in the wizarding world in this story).

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