"Minji, you said to me that we should wake up from our dreams and face the reality of it." thinking back to her words "I did". Minji just looked back down at her hands and started to fiddle with them. 

"Back then, those words hurt me so deeply. But eventually, I realized that you were right. The person you loved was not me. And the person I loved wasn't you either" looking at her "I've spent the last three years accepting that. I don't want to be confused anymore. So I... don't want to see you again" 

Getting what she felt like was deserved Minji had to hold it together in front of him still looking down at the ground "Now that...I'm the one hearing those words they hurt more than I thought. This must have been how you felt back then. I know it's too late but I'm sorry. I'm really sorry" he turned his head away from her to not let her see his red eyes. Seeing this as the end of the meeting she showed herself out.

Getting back to her car she just drove around not knowing where to go. Not knowing how she's going to go through with her promise to her sister. Her job was now on the line. Thinking about potentially losing her job and Do San's words her eyes were getting red and watery almost to the point of almost having tears fall down. 

Getting to the parking garage there's no way she could go up to the office and tell her sister about the news. Having a deadpanned face she just started to hit her head against the window and when she was hurting from that she switched to hitting her head on the steering wheel.

Not even noticing Ji Pyeong walks up to her car knocking on the window scaring her a little. She straightened herself and combed her fingers through her hair hoping to look presentable. Ji Pyeong just chuckled at the girl.

"Why does your hair look like a bird's nest?" sitting his the passenger seat of her car. "It's nothing" looking forward. "I know something's bothering you. I'm not your mentor anymore you don't need to be worried for harsh judgment"

Thinking for a second "Morning Group AI took our developers away. So we have to find and hire C-level developers. Because I would not be able to do all the work myself. We were thinking of Do San and the guys, I made an offer to them but he flat out turned me down" leaning back in her chair and looked at him waiting for him to talk.

"He finally did something I told him to do" sitting up right away "Ji Pyeong" she whined he shook his head slightly. "I should give you advice but I'm personally involved. So I won't" Turning back to look out her window "This is why I wasn't going to tell you. But you insisted"

"I'm sorry if this is me being petty" smiling to himself Minji was aware of his feelings for her but she didn't want to act on knowing that because she didn't want to lead him on in any way. 

The following day Minji couldn't give up on trying to convince Do San and his friends so she went out of her way to go to his parent's house her excuse was that she was bringing him his jacket. Ringing on the doorbell she waited for one of his parents to open the door. Knowing that she might be turned away from his parents this was the last resort. Taking a deep breath she then heard the door open she greeted his parents "Hello, is Do San here?" 

"He's uh.." his father not knowing what to say "he's out of town and will be gone for a while" not sounding very confident whatsoever. Minji could see through it not wanting to come off as rude she politely asks him where he was specifically. "Please Mr. Nam I just need to speak with him" at this point she was desperate. After a lot of back and forth, his parents finally gave in and told her where he was.

"Thank you. Thank you" bowing to them as she was making her way to her car. Come to find out he went on a road trip by himself on a bike away from the city. She's only ever heard of this place when they were younger the two of them would come there once a year to camp out. It's been so long since she's been there. 

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