he does however bring up the idea that he'll be sleeping in his room once again, "i think we both deserve a good night's sleep." he comments, silently pointing out the bags underneath abbacchio's eyes. "i'll get you something to drink. stay here."

well, he wasn't really thinking when he suggested that. he might've forgotten, in the midst of his high, that abbacchio wears lipstick; a dark shade that... could potentially leave a stain on his kiss-ridden lips.


To say he was caught off guard was a bit of an understatement. He fully expected Bruno to be upset with him. To fight with him no matter how beaten up he already was. Not that he was complaining. Every little sensation set him on fire. All Bruno's small movements and needy nature just made Abbacchio wanting to take more. Even his small mistakes and clumsiness was unbearably cute to Leone.

It was unfortunate it happened on a day they both felt so beaten. Mentally included. But, not everything was like the books and movies, unfortunately. Even though in that moment it definitely felt like it. Someone could have been yelling his name and Leone wouldn't have noticed. He was far too focused on what Bruno was doing.

When the other tried to basically escape Abbacchio quickly grabbed his wrist as he pulled him back. "Slow down. You've got prints all iver you, and I know up properly gave me a few as well." He mused as he got up as held the other's chin. Giving a rather stern look.

"Also, were not going to bed yet. Were getting some food since you haven't eaten all day and basically nothing last night either. The alcohol in your system is probably making you feel like absolute shit." Was he really scolding him? He most certainly was. Having to remind Bruno of his health seemed to be something he had to drill into him.

"Once me and Fugo finish the rapport we're helping with the work load before you work yourself to death, alright? We found three other leads that'll take some time to come in so we have the time to split now." He might have over stepped his place in this ordeal, but he made it very clear it was for Bruno's wellbeing and not because he wanted to give orders. That was the last thing he cared about right now.

He slowly let go of Bucciarati as he gave a small sigh under his breath. "I'll stay the night after some food and I got cleaned up, okay? Sound fair?"


"you're ridiculous." he says with uninhibited mirth held back with pursed lips. he shakes his head at abbacchio's demands, thinking he can't exactly meet all of them but he'll at least try to work around it, "at least let me divide the work evenly between us. i can't push something onto you when it's basically my fault i've had these piled on me." he gives him a look that says that's final and abbacchio could and would not change his mind about it.

although he won't really disagree with food and rest. he hadn't exactly eaten or rested in the hopes of distracting himself from his earlier dilemma of talking things out with abbacchio, but since now that's settled, he seems to have gained appetite once more.

"but please do stay. i wouldn't... mind the company - er, well... / your / company, that is." his earlier confidence now lost at sea as he stands unsure of what to do at situations like these. he'd never really actually been with someone he likes, let alone be with someone at all. he'd just receive gifts from admirers, but none never really got past that title as bruno always made sure no to let them.

so abbacchio was a first, and bruno was more than happy to experience all of this childish, fleeting, and fluttery sensations in his chest with him and he wouldn't have it any other way. "and before you take a shower, tell fugo to come meet me. i'll give him his part of the paperwork so you wouldn't have to nag about it anymore." he's taken a seat at this time, feeling a large weight off his shoulders.

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