play the game ii

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"It isn't that I don't think it'll work out. I know what I'm like. I screw things up without even trying and I don't want to hurt you. I don't- I don't think I'd forgive myself if it did." Sure it might sound like an excuse, but it has just been something that kept happening in his life, far too many times for it to be a coincidence. But Bruno made it very clear that he didn't mind the risks involved. He didn't even seem to care what happens to him, as he was more focused on what happens to Leone.

At this point, he was so tired and fed up with himself. He always does this. Overthinking everything into oblivion. And what did that get him? Making the only person who actually gave a shit upset and hurt. Well, more so the only person who understood him the most. The only person he could admit his sins to without feeling anxious about it afterwards.

At this point, he just didn't care about thinking things through anymore it only got him into trouble when it should be matters of the heart. He didn't know why he was so adamant in getting his head involved when it should be a straight forward thing.

He was so selfish. He could tell majority of the time what Bruno was thinking, knowing full well the other had trouble doing the same. Not that is was Bucciarati's fault.

Abbacchio gave a short huff before looking at Bruno, basically throwing logic out the window as he grabbed the man by the collar. He was so mad and aggrieved at himself it probably looked like he was about to beat up Bucciarati for no good reason.

Fortunately it wasn't the case. Instead, he pulled the other close to him, and before he could even retaliate or argue, Leone pressed his lips to his. Leaving the kiss to linger for a moment before he slowly pulled away.


bruno didn't seem to mind. no, he definitely didn't mind it one bit, but it all seemed to end too quick and too soon.

so he chases after his lips, just tugging abbacchio a bit closer while he senselessly lets his instinct take over; hand cupping abbacchio's cheek, trailing down his jaw, his neck, and he thinks this isn't appropriate. anyone could walk in on them like this and neither of them would be able to explain, but for some reason, he doesn't let the thought bother him.

he has him where he wants him; like this, against him, all / his / - and bruno thinks it's selfish to keep this to himself, to want nothing more than the world to disappear and for them to stay like this.

he admits he's a little clumsy, finding it hard to match the rhythm of their lips before he settles with abbacchio's slow pace - that bruno almost melts against him. almost. their actions speak amongst themselves, and bruno feels it in the way abbacchio is tense against him. he coaxes him with a gentle squeeze on the waist only until he feels the other flinch at the touch that bruno inevitably pulls away.

"i'm sorry - i..." he doesn't know what to say. his lips feel wet and swollen and - he watches abbacchio carefully, approaching him with a gentle tug on the hand, "... are you hurt?" he thinks he might've touched a bruise from abbacchio's earlier mission so he makes him sit on his chair while he asks if the other needs anything.

"i didn't mean to - " bruno clears his throat, finding it hard to focus when he feels so intoxicated with the lingering sensation on his lips that he almost believes this is some kind of wet dream about his partner. " - i didn't mean to squeeze that hard." he makes the mistake of turning his head because now they meet gazes and bruno realizes they might just be alright.

he doesn't tell abbacchio how soft his lips felt against him and how good it was to feel abbacchio's heartbeat underneath his palm. he doesn't bring up how high he felt right at that moment - to be looking at abbacchio taking in subtle deep breaths after their little session. he doesn't tell him these things and decides to tuck them away in the confines of his mind.

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