Kurapika x Female reader

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Kurapika was in the kitchen leaning on the counter drinking away his problems, like he always was. Every night after work he goes home, pulls out his vodka and whisky and just drinks away until he can no longer.

 To Kurapika this makes the past fade away, it makes him feel as if he wasn't alone. Even though he wasn't alone at all, but he felt as if he was.

Well, he normally feels lonely but when he's around y/n his life is the complete opposite. Like his life is perfect when she's around.

 But when she's not his whole world falls apart, of course there's Gon, Killua and Leorio but there always busy, weather it's Leorio studding or Gon and Killua out being a hunter there never available. But then again neither is Kurapika. 

That's why he never gets to see y/n to often. And thus brings us to the next point, that's why he resorts to drinking. Because it's right there, he's not bothering or annoying anyone, and it makes him happy enough. Sure it never compares to when he's around y/n but hey, it works. 

The only flaw to drinking is the amount of money he spends each month. Well at least to Kurapika that is. Mean while, a while back about 2 months earlier when y/n and Kurapika started dating Kurapika gave y/n a key to his apartment just in case she needed something or if something was wrong.

As Kurapika was popping off the top of a new bottle of whisky he got a call. Kurapika ignored the call thinking it was a telemarketer. But then his phone went off again, he ignored it once more still thinking it was a spam call or something. But the main reason he didn't answer was because he didn't want anyone to interrupt his drinking.

 He had already gone through 2 bottles of Vodka and he wasn't planning on stopping there. Kurapika knows to stop drinking when he's getting tipsy, he trained himself to. But sometimes when he feels the most pain he drinks till he's drunk enough to pass out like a dead man.

Some may call him an alcoholic, but that wasn't the case to Kurapika it was simply a coping mechanism for all the pain and suffering he endured. 

Kurapika wasn't one to cry, he would normally hold it in until he started drinking, that would stop him from crying.

Kurapika's phone continued to go off so he turned off his phone not bothering to look at who was calling. He took a sip of his freshly opened bottle of whisky and poured it into his cup. Normally he would drink straight from the bottle but not today, he didn't want his slober and spit in his drink.

 He poured the whisky half way up the whine glass. Normally when Kurapika poured his drinks into cups he would use regular cups but today he felt like it was necessary to use a whine glass. Because tonight he felt the most pain.

 every time he closed his eyes he could hear the blood curtling screams of his clan dyeing in agony, as he helplessly got away. days like these called for lots of drinks and alcohol. Sometimes when Kurapika is out of whisky and vodka he heads to some local bars, but that very rare.  

Kurapika looked at the time, then his glass. "I guess should stop for the night." Kurapika said putting down his glass. He was thinking of stopping for the simple fact that he was getting tired and ready to sleep, so he closed his eyes and instantly shot them open as he saw his clan getting dismembered peace by peace.

 His eye's widened in fear as he slowed his breath trying to tame it. "Nope, definitely one more drink." Kurapika poured more whisky in the glass till the whine glass was full. Kurapika drunk that up real quick and poured himself another drink, again all the way up to the top of the glass.

He did this until there was no more whisky left in the bottle. Kurapika got up and walked over to one of his cabinets and grabbed a bottle of actual whine and opened it.

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