"Why does she want out trust?" Don asked "she want evidence that show our rebellion, in other words, she's in position where the higher-ups won't trust her without reliable evidence" Norman said

"Unlike mom, she doesn't have have the authority to ship us out" Norman said "evidence..." Gilda said "hey, what if she find the rope we hid in the tree?" Don asked

"It's fine. We can make various excuses to explain the rope, like we were going to use it to play with. But-" Norman said "we're doomed if she find the equipment that break the tracking devices" ray said interrupting Norman

"That's reliable evidence that we can't make excuses for" Norman said making don and Gilda shocked "don worry.I won't make that kind of mistake, besides it's not finished yet"

"That if you don't make a mistake..." a voice said, everyone looked at the direction from where the voice came from "who are you?" I asked

The person came out from the dark and it was y/n

"Its me chill out, after all you did tell me the secret of the house so I might as well help,so I just invited myself  to you little meetings, so carry on " y/n said

'Something up with y/n, first she's always by herself, she doesn't show emotions, she doesn't play outside, something doesn't add up, I'll get to the bottom of this' I thought in my head

"If we have her believe that we don't know where the tracking devices are, or how to break them,they should be an issue, I'm sure sister would believe is if we play our cards right" Norman said

I looked towards Norman "are you really going to go? You're dealing with sister krone" Gilda said making everyone look at her "it sounds nice that she'll tell us anything we want to know, but..." Gilda said "rather, why do we have to join forces with her?does it give us an advantage?" Don asked

"If we use her well we might obtain some information" y/n answers don "and that's one less person getting in out way" Norman said adding on "then we can fluxes on our investigation" Norman said

"It'll be okay, we have to use every opportunity we can" I said as I got up and placed my hand on Gilda shoulders and I laugh a little

~time skip~
3rd person P.O.V

It was night everyone was asleep except Norman and Emma and ray.Emma and Norman went to krone room to talk, Norman and Emma looked at each other the nodded to each other, Norman then knocked on the door and the door opened to reveal and creepy krone

Norman and Emma walk in and then the door closes, krone was holding her beaten up doll like a baby "what do you want to know? Go ahead. Ask me anything" krone said

"Really, anything?" Norman asked "yes, wether it be about the farm or about the headquartered..." krone reported "then..." Norman said "show us that thing" Emma said

"The took the received the signal from our tracking devices" Emma said as she held out her hand, krone was shocked but smiled afterwards "sure.here." Krone said as she reached for her pocket

She pulled it out and walked towards the two and handed it to Norman, Norman opens it while Emma and Norman look at it "she? It looks simple, right?" Krone said

"It only shows the current location but can't specify who it is" krone said

Rays P.O.V

I was in mom office because I got my requested on my camera,y/n was sitting on a chair because she asked for something as well it seems like a pocket watch

"Why did you get a pocket watch?" I asked y/n "because I'm tired of stealing yours"she replied "you steal my watch?!" I said "huh, yeah, like for example right now" she said as she pull out my pocket watch

I go through my pockets to see it's not there, "catch" she said as she threw the watch, I caught it and was shocked that she stole my watch but shook it off

I was happy that I got a camera to be honest "mom" I said as I lifted the camera and took a photo, the photo came out "I see,so nothing show up at first" I said  "so your last reward was a camera" mom asked "I was just curious on how these things work, since I've only seen photographs and cameras in books"

"Greedy much" y/n said as she play around with her rewards

"If I were greedy I wouldn't want to develop them" I said but shocked on the photo "wow,it looks like you froze a moment in time" I grabbed the camera and got up

Y/n P.O.V

"So why did you need you own "pocket watch" or should I say tracking device" Isabella asked me

"I asked for this because I need it for tomorrow" I replied as I played around with the tracking device "why tomorrow?" Isabella asked "I have a feeling that Norman and Emma might try to get to the wall, because I saw them hide a rope back then"

"So I'll be on my way and figure out my plan for tomorrow, have a good night Isabella" I said as I was about to leave "wait" Isabella said the clock started to ding then it stopped , I saw Isabella walk to a calendar and cross of a day

"I think it's about time we began" Isabella said, I smirked

~time skip~
3rd person P.O.V

It was morning and everyone was outside playing, Y/n was playing around with the kids to not look suspicious, ray took as photo of the kids and y/n from afar Emma, don, Gilda, Norman came near ray

Once they left y/n dropped the smile and left the kids but told them that she lost something in forest so she walked towards the forest

Y/n P.O.V

I ran as fast possible to the wall before they do anything I jumped over the fence and continued to run, I stopped when I saw the wall  I looked to the tree on my right

'Bingo' I thought to myself , I climbed the tree and got the bag  and I took the rope out but found some rocks to match the weight of the rope

I put the bag back and jump down with the rope in my hand, I wrapped the rope around my arm and pulled my sleeves down

I ran back to the house and quick got inside before don or Gilda noticed

I passed by the boys room to see krone making a mess I went back and leaned against the door  and crossed my arms "What are you doing" I said she turned around "I'm cleaning the floors" she said smiling nervously

"Uh huh,bullshit, if you were really cleaning rays stuff wouldn't be moved around" I said blankly then I just left but I stayed at the staircase

Then I hear running and the dirt closed, I smirked and went to Isabella and told her and then she went to krone room with a knife and a letter

"Goodbye, krone..." I said to myself as I smirked and as I laughed a little

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