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Note: If I you can't find a character in here you want to roleplay with just ask me what your idea was and I'll consider doing. Sorry ahead of time if I don't want to do your idea.

1. I don't do smut it will be timeskipped. But I do dirty jokes.

2. I prefer Boy x girl. (Both my IRL girlfriends broke up with me because they liked girls. I'm not homophobic it's just I'm uncomfortable with doing same sex.)

3. I usually like to do roleplay in the PM's.

4. I do allow cussing just don't have every other word be a cuss word with the exceptions being if your character has sailors mouth, if there is a stressful situation in the rp, or in pain (it has been proven to increase pain tolerance.)

5. The classic I play your crush and you play mine. If it is a fandom rp. (Unless you wish to play your crush)

6. You can have as many oc's as you can handle. But I prefer 2.

7. Don't be an ass.

8. If I am not responding it's because either I'm in an intense gaming secession, reading, at work, or I'm in my EMS class.

9. RP in 3rd person please.

Note 2: More rules might be added later on.






Place of birth:




Backstory (Optional):

Other (Optional):

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