Chapter 5: Departure

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When I found out where Master Ryx and I would be stationed during the Clone Wars I wasn't sure what to think. The council decided we would take on a more diplomatic approach to the war. We were to depart to the Outer Rim and search for planets that inhabited life that would possibly be interested in allying with the Galactic Republic. We were to leave in about a week. During that time Master Ryx and I were able to train with the clones we would be stationed with.

The 224th Ranger Battalion, led by CC-6472, better known as Commander Trex, was a battalion of four companies, each specializing in different areas of combat. Vanguard Company, a heavy weapons company led by Captain Ox, an ARC trooper and a veteran of the first Battle of Geonosis. They were usually found on the front lines. Trailblazer Company was a spec ops company led by Captain Psych, another ARC trooper. Watchdog Company was led by Captain Stail, a company specializing in reconnaissance and laying down heavy fire behind enemy lines. Lastly, but one of the most important, Auxiliary Company. This was the reinforcements and large vehicle company led by Captain Boilar.

These clones would quickly grow into my family, and being able to fight alongside them was a true honor for the warrior in me. A lot of people viewed the clones as expendable. There were millions of them, the only thing differing them from droids was them being organic. Master Ryx, however, viewed every clone as important, and would do anything to protect his troopers. Every life mattered to him, a Jedi and a clone were valued the same to him.

The day came that we would be boarding our Venator and making the journey out to the rim to start our searches. Lema was still on Coruscant, she was a Padawan under Master Fisto. Later while I would be away she would pass her knight trials and be assigned to lead Horn Company after Master Koth would leave the order.

The clones were making the Venator their new home while I made my way around the temple to say goodbye to the friends I had made. I stopped and wished Tarrchu well, and thanked him for influencing a lot of my young Jedi life. I then went to say farewell to the friends Lema and I had made from training. I went and found Hapa training, as I was leaving I asked if she knew where Chūsei might be and she was unsure. That was the last person I wanted to say goodbye to before visiting with Lema. I searched around the library, the training rooms, even his own quarters and I had no idea where he could be. Maybe he had already been stationed and didn't wish to tell me.

I made my way to Lema's quarters, Master Fisto was on a mission for the council at the time so she was just continuing training while he was away. I knocked on her door and she told me to enter. She already knew I would be leaving soon, but wasn't sure of the day. I told her they were starting to load the Venator with vehicles and supplies, so we'd be sent off shortly. She wasn't very sad, if anything she seemed happy that I was getting the opportunity to help the galaxy and fight against the CIS and the droid army. After some silence she asked,

"Do you know when you'll be back?"

I had no idea, we were meant to help expand the range of the Republic and weaken the CIS forces if they had reached that far.

"Master Fisto said he believed I'd be ready within a year to start my knight trials. Hopefully by then you and Master Ryx might be able to come back and visit."

I told her I really hoped so, and that if I wasn't able to that I was still with her through the force. I gave her a comms frequency she could contact me on whenever she wanted. It was hard to say goodbye, in that moment I was almost certain we'd see each other again. I could tell she felt the same as well. We hugged and then I made my way to take my bantha to his new biome on the Venator. I had finally decided on a name for him, I decided to name him Sarlacc, as a lot of the time I would find him digging and rolling in sand, sometimes napping while completely covered.

T'Aqol | Chapter 5: DepartureWhere stories live. Discover now