"Jesus Christ" John says kicking a chair. "What the bloody hell happened here?" Arthur questions, "the Lees, all of them. Cousins, nephews, even their bastards." Scudboat says drinking from a bottle of rum. "They've taken anything they can get their hands on" Polly sighs. "They left these." Tommy says holding up wire cutters and the brothers all stand eerily still, "wire cutters? Why would they leave wire cutters?" Polly asks going to take a step, "nobody move" Arthur says. "I think our friends are playing a game." Tommy says, "what game?" Polly says walking about, "Aunt Poll, don't touch anything." John says. "Erasmus Lee was in France." Tommy says. "Shit" Scudboat speaks. "Whenever we gave up ground to the Germans, we'd leave behind booby traps set up with wires. We'd leave wire cutters as part of the joke." Tommy informs the girls, "so you're telling me somewhere in here, there's a handgrenade!" Charlotte exclaims. "Holy Jesus" Polly says making the cross. "It'll be attached to a wire." Arthur says looking on the floor. "Don't move any chairs or open any doors." John instructs, "Scudboat, did they say anything?" Charlie asks, "they said it's for the diddicoy whore freak." Scudboat says. "Okay, so that's me." Charlotte tells them. "No. It's not in here. If it were it would've blown by now." She adds looking at the scattered to debris. "They said it's for you." Polly says, "so there's a bomb, but it's just for you." Arthur says and she nods. "Well that's not very comforting."Charlotte retorts. "Think Lottie, fucking think." Tommy tells her urgently. "Finn.... tunnel. Garrison." she says before sprinting out the house followed by Tommy. Frantically she makes her way to the back of the Garrison. Seeing Finn stood by the barrels, "Finn, listen to me. Come out the exact same way you got in." Charlotte orders, "but it's hard to climb back over from this side, can't I just move this one." He says moving a barrel, which Charlotte sees has a bomb behind it, picking it up she launches it away from the pub down the wide road, "clear" she yells as Tommy pushes all 3 of them to the ground as the explosion blew bits of rubble over their heads. "Don't. Ever. Fucking. Do. That. Again." Tommy says looking at his youngest sister, before pulling both his siblings in for a hug. "And you, listen to your sister when she tells you to do something." He tells Finn. "Go home. Tell them your safe. I need to talk to your sister." Tommy says to Finn, who nods. "Thanks." he whispers to Charlotte giving her a hug before walking off.

"Come on." Tommy says walking into the back off the pub, going through the staff area, into the main pub, opening the door to the snug for her to go in to.

"What do we do?" Tommy questions, "pardon." Charlotte says expecting to be lectured, "this is me talking to you about business. What do we do?" Tommy says. "We make peace with the Lees." Charlotte suggests, "they just tried to blow you up." Tommy interrupts, "yes but if we can make a truce, they're a large family, lots of troops. You want to take down Kimber, you're going to need a large number of men, something they can provide." Charlotte tells him, "interesting, and how do you suggest we do that?" Tommy replies leaning back in his chair, "what's stronger than blood, eh?" She questions, "John." He states, "he clearly just wants a mother figure for his kids, doesn't matter who. If we can find him a Lee, all the troubles will be left behind. And he won't be pledging his love to a woman of her service. I mean there's nothing wrong with Lizzie, just everyone knows she won't shut down business even after being married. That's not a life I want for John." Charlotte explains, "Let's find him a Lee." Tommy smirks, "we tell him though, okay? This isn't marrying him off if he don't want to. He gets a choice." Charlotte says and he nods. "Tomorrow, I'll go to the Lees. Make a proposition." he tells her, "get the name changed on this eh" he adds placing the bullet with his name on it on the table. "If the bullet was for you, why was the bomb for me?" Charlotte asks, "male pride." He answers, "Ahhh, dangerous that is." she teases.


"Little one, how are you today?" Harrison asks when she arrives home from school, Finn had the week off for some reason that she couldn't fathom. "I'm good. Is Tommy back?" She replies, "yeah, although he's still hung up on the fact you ain't telling him who the mystery man is." Harrison smirks, "ooh gossip" Isaiah says, "why weren't you at school?" she questions and he shrugs, "didn't feel like it. So this mystery man, does he go to our school?"

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