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*Layla's POV*

"Layla!" Sirius called our to me


"Come down to the kitchen! I have news!"


I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, sliding a bit because of my socks

"What's the news?" I asked

"I spoke to the Dursleys, they said Harry could spend two nights here" Sirius said

"You're lying! They would never let Harry!" I said

"And he's coming today!"

"No way!"

"Yes way! Now go get dressed so you don't look like you just woke up"

I ran back up the stairs and into my room. I shut the door and opened my closet. After a few minutes of looking, I picked out an outfit

 After a few minutes of looking, I picked out an outfit

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This outfit to be exact

I ran downstairs

"Just in time," Sirius said "He's almost here"

I smiled and sat on the couch

"Hey dad?" I said

"What's up?" He asked sitting down

"I'm scared for my 5th year.."

"Why is that?"

"I'm just scared about what's going to happen"

"You'll be okay" Sirius smiled

Someone knocked on the door. Me and Sirius went to the door and opened it. It was Harry

"Harry!" I said going up to hug him

"Can you tell she missed you?" Sirius joked

"Shush" I said pulling out of the hug

"My uncle didn't want to talk to you so he already drove away" Harry said scratching the back of his neck

"It's okay, I wouldn't want to talk to him anyway. But come in!" Sirius said

Harry walked in and started looking around

"I'll show you the room you'll be staying in" I smiled

I started walking up the stairs, Harry following. I went into the bedroom that would've been Harry's if he wanted to live with us

"It's painted my favorite color..Layla?" Harry said


"If I moved in with you guys, would this have been my room?"

"Yeah, um.." I sighed

"I love it" Harry smiled

"Oh! You can put your things wherever you need in here," I said "If you need me I'll be in my room"

Harry nodded and I walked across the hall into my room

*Harry's POV*

After I finished putting my things away I went over to Layla's room. I opened the door, she was sitting at her desk reading. The walls painted a grayish black color, a Gryffindor flag on the wall, a string with pictures of her, Sirius, me, Hermione, Ron, Cedric, Brianne, and Lizzie, two pieces of wood hanging on wall saying "L" and "B" for her initials.

"Your room is cool" I said

Layla jumped and turned around in her chair

"No need to scare me like that, but thank you!"

"My favorite thing is the picture of me and you acting stupid" I said picking up a photo off the string

"One of my favorite memories of us, Hermione took it at one of the celebrations we always had after Gryffindor won a quidditch game" Layla said standing up and looking at the photo

The photo was me and Layla laughing with each other in the Gryffindor common room

"You know, Hogwarts is so fun when you don't have anything to worry about" Layla said leaning against her desk

"You forget about everything when you're having fun" I said

"In that moment, I didn't remember any of the bad things happening. I was happy without all the problems going on throughout the year" Layla sighed

"I'm with you on that one"

-Late at night

*Layla's POV*

I woke up in the middle of the night to it raining. I got up and went to Harry's room. I knocked and he told me I could come in. He was still wide awake

"Want to go outside?" I asked

"But it's raining, Layla" Harry said

"That's the point you dimwit" I said "Come on"

Harry shook his head and laughed. He followed me down the stairs, making sure not to wake up my dad. We walked out the back door and went into the rain

"Don't you love the rain Harry?" I asked spinning around

"It's alright" Harry shrugged

I rolled my eyes playfully and went to the radio. It was covered by the roof so it didn't get wet. I turned the radio on and had it loud enough for us to hear

"Come on Harry!" I said going over to him

"You know I can't dance!"

"Doesn't matter! We aren't in a dancing competition are we?" I said grabbing his hands and dancing with him

Harry laughed and started dancing with me. The rain pouring down a bit harder than it was. The moonlight giving us enough light to not be stepping over each other's feet constantly. My hair was soaked, as was Harry's

"Layla, can I ask you something?" Harry said

"Anything" I said

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Harry asked nervously still dancing with me

"Harry," I started

"It's alright if not.."

"Harry, I'd love to" I smiled

"Really?" Harry said

I nodded. He pulled me into a hug. It felt as if time stopped for a moment. The music turned off and the only sound was from the rain hitting the roof. I looked towards the door and saw my dad standing there yawning

"Get in here!"

I looked at Harry and walked over to the back door

"Sorry dad we-" I started

"Why didn't you invite me!" Sirius laughed

Me and Harry laughed. I saw Sirius look down and our hands, still intertwined from dancing

"Are you two dating?" He asked us

"Y-yeah.." Me and Harry said together

"Finally!" Sirius said hugging us

He pulled out of the hug and told us to take a shower and dry off. I went upstairs and used the shower by my bedroom and Harry used the one near Sirius' room


Harry came into my room after we were both clean and dried off

"Night Layla" He smiled

"Night Harry" I smiled

Harry shut my door. I could hear him go into his room and shut the door as well. I turned off my light and laid down. The moment I've been waiting to happen, just happened in the best time possible. The reply of it stayed in my mind up until I fell asleep

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